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The Construction Of Risk Assessment System In Equity Crowdfunding Investment

Posted on:2018-09-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J ChiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330515994880Subject:Technical Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present stage,the market of equity crowd-funding in our country growing rapidly,according to relevant data shows that,Up till now,there already have more than four hundreds crowd-funding platforms in our country,but the level are not uniformed,the project is also up to tens of thousands,but the good and bad are intermingled,At the same time,the regulation is quite insufficient.Investors,who face the largest investment risk in the activity,want accurate and efficient to make investment decisions,which become very diffi cult,so before equity crowd-funding investment,the risk assessment and how to assess become an important problem demanding prompt study.Based on present situation,the research of equity crowd-funding investment risk assessment system to build is of great significance.This paper makes a comprehensive statement on the related research of crowd-funding home and abroad,from the connotation and features of equity crowd-funding,trading patterns,processes,and all kinds of risks facing to comb.Through the above analysis,we found that most of the studies of equity crowd-funding focused on defining the equity crowdfunding legitimacy,analysising the risk and market risk types,seeking theoretical aspects of regulatory loopholes and advice,and t here are few literature analysis from the angle of investors,looking for leading to the risk factors of investment,as well as various factors how to affect the risk.In order to build the construction of risk assessment system in equity crowdfunding investment,this article from the perspective of investors,made a profound analysis of equity crowd funding investment in the operation of each link,in view of the equity crowdfunding activities important participant-the investor,the crowdfunding platform,the c rowdfunding project,respectively to study the risk factors,finally respectively from three aspects: the raise investment stake in the risk assessment system is constructed.When construct of evaluation system on the level of investors,the research data are collected through self-made questionnaires,and then using the correlation analysis and the principal components analytic method to sixteen risk factor,extract the common factor,build investors risk assessment index system.In crowdfunding platform and project financing risk assessment system,we combined the platform and the project actual operation situation and research to the theory of extracting risk influence factors,correlation analysis,and based on the angle of investors of the crowdfunding platform risk assessment system and the crowdfunding project risk assessment system.On the basis of the above system and the features of indicators,we combined the fuzzy synthetic evaluation and AHP put forward the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation.In the end,based on the evaluation index system,we combined with angel huizhong crowdfunding platform and the projects of platform,utilizing the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to analysis and evaluation crowdfunding assessment system from the perspective of investors,so as to provide reference for the risk assessment of equity crowd-funding.
Keywords/Search Tags:equity crowdfunding, investment risk, influencing factors, evaluation system, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method
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