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Research On The Relationship Between Industrial Structure Adjustment And Economic Growth In Shandong Province

Posted on:2018-05-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B W WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330518461915Subject:Human Geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At the eleventh meeting of the Central Finance Leading Group held on November 10,2015,Xi Jinping proposed to "strengthen the supply side structural reform" while expanding aggregate demand.Shandong Province also puted forward the "thirteen five" planning mission objectives.This article is based on the macroeconomic data and studies the relationship between industrial structure and economic growth in Shandong Province from 1978 to 2014 through the trend comparison,the "shift-share analysis" and the economic basis of Solow remnants.After the study,the results show that the relationship of the industrial structure and economic growth of Shandong Province since the reform and opening up by the following characteristics: the proportion of three industrial structure tends to be stable,but there is room for development,the regional development is not balanced;industrial structure changes in Shandong Province economic growth The economic growth is mainly due to the accumulation of factor endowments,technological progress is not the main driving force of economic growth;the proportion of the tertiary industry needs to be improved,the rationality of the industrial structure to be further improved.The article is divided into six parts: the first part is the introduction,expounds the background and significance of the paper,as well as domestic and foreign scholars on the industrial structure and economic growth research status,and introduced the paper research methods,research framework;the second part of Shandong The industrial structure and economic development of Shandong Province are briefly reviewed,and the characteristics of industrial structure evolution in Shandong Province are introduced,and the economic development of Shandong Province is divided into eastern and western regions.The third part uses the "shift-share method" to study the industrial structure change of Shandong Province And the contribution of industrial structure change to economic growth.The forth part divides the industrial structure into two dynamic dimensions: Industrial Structure Supererogation and Industrial Structure Rationalisation,and evaluates two of them about Shandong Province.The fifth part is based on Solow’s residual definition and CD function,and studies the technological progress of economic growth in Shandong Province since the reform and opening up,and the total factor productivity growth rate.In the sixth part we will give the evaluation of the industrial structure.This article summarizes the characteristics and conclusions of the industrial structure and economic growth in Shandong Province,and puts forward some suggestions on how to realize the "13th Five-Year Plan" and the structural reform of the supply side.
Keywords/Search Tags:The industrial structure change, Economic growth, The shift-share method, The total factor productivity
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