The development of mobile internet is very quickly in the era of information economy.Full coverage of 4G network promotes the upgrading of telecom industry chain,which has scale economy features and network externality.Meanwhile,main subjects of telecom industry chain are pursuing a better commercial mode to adapt to the information revolution.As the leader and dominator of the chain,telecom operators are facing various opportunities and challenges.Due to the emergence of private capital and virtual network operators,every subjects of telecom industry chain participate in cooperation and interconnection actively,and promote the healthy development of the mobile internet industry chain.This research is a study of strategies and evolution path about the competition and cooperation and interconnection between telecom operators and virtual network operators in mobile internet industry chain.The results of the study are verified by constructing the evolutionary game model and the quantitative analysis method.Finally,some countermeasures and suggestions are given for the future development of telecom operators and virtual network operators.Firstly,due to the rational limitation and group learning ability,this research constructs evolutionary game model to solve the problem that virtual network operators and telecom operators how to take a competitive strategies or cooperative strategies while the market has improved.The result shows that the influence factors are cooperation cost,consumer scale,network externality,network utility allocation and cooperation cost allocation proportion.Then,the practical significance of the conclusion is verified by numerical simulation.Secondly,on account of a relatively short history of virtual network operators,there is not so much experiences can be referred.The interconnection problem turn out to be a long issue,this research constructs complete information dynamic game model and evolutionary game models to solve the problem that virtual network operators and telecom operators how to take part in interconnection strategy.The result shows that the influence factors are government’s penalty,access charge and future profits.The quantitative analysis method has been conductive to approach the range of government’s penalty,the lower limit of the access charge and the equilibrium price to the service charge.The aim of the research is to provide a theoretical for the promotion of social welfare. |