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The Research Of Real Estate CrowdFunding

Posted on:2018-05-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LuFull Text:PDF
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In recent years,as a combination of the Internet and financial industry,crowdfunding has developed rapidly and has become a new channel for smes to quickly raise capita.Then,Crowdfunding is also one of the new financing methods that real estate developers actively explore for real estate development.However,due to the lack of a perfect management system,the real estate crowdfunding market is a mess,for example the law is incomplete,the policy is uncertain,the credit information platform is imperfect,etc,which need for regulation and control.The risk research,risk prevention measures and development trend analysis of real estate crowdfunding are also becoming more and more important.This is the research content of this paper.Firstly,this paper adopts literature survey analysis,through the Internet to collect about real estate and the raise in the latest achievements of application of the real estate industry,and analyzes the status quo of crowdfunding development at home and abroad briefly.It is pointed out that in our country,the development of real estate crowdfunding has great risks both in policy supervision and actual operation.Secondly,defines the concept of real estate crowdfunding and real estate trust,real estate private equity fund and illegal fund-raising,comparative analysis is used in this paper.This paper studies the real estate and the raise of three models(investment,custom classes,mixed type),respectively from the principle of operation,the trade structure,typical case analysis,and then discussed the raise of real estate and real estate trust,real estate private equity funds,the similarities and differences among illegal fund raising,pointed out that the essence of the real estate and the raise.Again,the paper takes a logical deduction.This paper studied the risk in the real estate and the raise,from the state legal policy risks,risks of Internet governance,the raise participants(investors,financing and the raised platform)credit information risk,financial regulation and circulation risk four aspects analysis of real estate and the raise of the risk of the root causes of the awareness of the severity of the risk.Finally,based on the study of the risk in real estate and the raise,the paper discusses the property and the raise of risk prevention measures,such as: implement and perfect the relevant legal policy,accelerate the raised platform of real estate and the integration of the Internet,establishing perfect credit information sharing platform,to strengthen the regulatory capital collecting management,etc.At the same time,the paper analyzes the development trend of the real estate and the raise,raise regulation in China's real estate and all the specification,gradually improve the construction of mobile name,risk investment institutions to ensure investors of risk and profit.Due to large differences between regions in our country real estate financing market,this article only from the perspective of overall studied and analyzed the our country real estate the raise pattern,in the future to further refine research for different area.
Keywords/Search Tags:CrowdFunding, Real estate, Real estate Crowd Funding, pattern, Trust, Private Fund
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