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Research On The Costume Description Of Poetry In Pre-Tang Times

Posted on:2019-09-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330545976349Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Costume,as a cultural phenomenon,reflects the social life and public psychology in a certain period of time.For example,costume described in the poems of the early Tang Dynasty is just a reflection of the society and culture in Tang Dynasty.It is possible to understand the changes in the aesthetic concepts of scholars in different periods of the Tang Dynasty as well as changes in poetry styles brought by such aesthetic concept changes from the perspective of poetry works and through the analysis on descriptions of costume.This paper is divided into three parts,introduction,main body and conclusion,among which the introduction gives a brief introduction of current research status of this topic,the definition of costume and the significance of this research.The main body consists of three chapters:The first chapter is an analysis on the relationship between costume and character description.Firstly,costume is a symbol of social status;secondly,there is an analysis on the differences in aesthetic appreciation between men and women at different stages and an overview of the development of costume aesthetics.Finally,analyze how costume can reflect the beauty of human body.The second chapter is an analysis on the costume descriptions and emotional expression in poetry.Costume serves as the media of poets’emotional expression and can reflect the popularity of luxury and pleasure,the suffering of wandering,and convey the love of women’s boudoir resentment.There is also an analysis on such basis to reveal how emotions are conveyed by costume in various poems.The third chapter shows the relationship between costume description and poetry art pursuit,where the author deeply interprets the relationship between costume description and poetry content,language and style and reveals the influence of costume description on art pursuits of poems from the perspectives of techniques in poems,rhetorical devices and imagery.Summary gives the conclusion of this paper,and mentions the relationship between poetry features description and the development of the costume.
Keywords/Search Tags:Early Tang Dynasty, Poems, Costume Description, Characters, Emotions, Poetry Features
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