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Research On The Art Of Scenery Depiction In Poems In The Prime Of Tang Dynasty

Posted on:2019-12-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330548480695Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The art of depicting the poetry in Tang Dynasty absorbs and draws on the creative experience of the poetry in the Tang Dynasty and the early Tang Dynasty.At the same time,it has some innovations,and it also has a profound influence on the landscape art of later poetry.The study of the painting art of the Tang Dynasty consists of six aspects:historical origin,artistic features,artistic skills,artistic types,artistic achievements,and the flourishing atmosphere in the landscape poetry.The evolution of the art of depicting poetry before the Tang can be divided into two stages:Pre-Qin and Han Dynasties and the Wei,Jin,South and North Dynasties."The sense of materiality" promoted the development of the art of depicting poetry before the Tang Dynasty.The artistic skills of poetry writing in the pre-Qin and Han dynasties are relatively simple.The poets of the Wei,Jin and Northem and Southern Dynasties began to pursue the beauty of the scenery in the language,and pursued the new energy in a poor way.Therefore,the art of poetry writing has also become rich and colorful.The art of depiction of poetry in the early Tang Dynasty has the function of linking up with one another,and the artistic representation of the poetry scene is more flexible,and the connection between the sentiment and the scene is closer.The art of painting in the Tang Dynasty inherited the artistic experience of his predecessors’poetry and innovated on this basis.The rich imagination of the poets of Tang Dynasty,the kindness to nature,and the beauty of advocating freshness and naturalness make the depiction of scenery in poetry not only vivid,but also bears the strong feelings of the poets and is full of artistic beauty;the poets in the Tang Dynasty painted magnificent and graceful works.The scenery of the Tang Dynasty is picturesque,and it also creates a harmonious atmosphere of scenes.In the landscape poetry,the prosperous Tang poet showed the aesthetic connotation of the heroic,Qingyuan and Gaohuaese in the Tang Dynasty.Tang poetry became a paragon of depicting scenes.The scene depicting experience of poetry in the prosperous Tang Dynasty was also absorbed and studied by later poetry.In this paper,the local research on the painting art of the prosperous Tang Dynasty is divided into four aspects:the art of writing in different genres of poetry;the case study of famous poets and comparative study;the art of depicting the main theme of poetry in the prosperous Tang Dynasty.The poet’s character and poetry style are different,and the types of writing scenes and the representations of scenes in poetry also have their own preferences.Li Bai is detached from romance,Du Fu is patriotic and affluent,and Wang Wei is deeply attentive.Therefore,Li Bai uses exaggeration,imagination,and other techniques.The landscape art is highly romantic and has elegant beauty.Du Fu is more realistic,sincere,true,and lyrical.Depth of field lies in sustenance;Wang Wei is delicately portrayed,and Zen is blended with the scenery.Scenery in poetry has ethereal beauty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tang poetry, Description of scenery, Landscape art, Artistic value
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