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Selected Translation Of News Analysis:Case Studies Of International And National News In The Press And A Critical Commentary

Posted on:2019-10-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L FuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330548975647Subject:English translation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This translation project is made up of two chapters.The first chapter includes the original text and the Chinese translation text.The second chapter is a critical commentary of the translation.The original text is selected from the second part of Chapter two of a famous Dutch linguist van Djik's work News Analysis: Case Studies of International and National News in the Press.After contacting with the author,the translator made sure that this book has no Chinese version yet.The selected text is based on a specific case study of word press reporting of the assassination of president Bechir Gemayel of Lebanon and try to reveal the ideology behind reports.The critical commentary consists of four sections: introduction,translation theory,translation methods guided by communicative strategy and the conclusion.The first section includes the introduction to the author and content of the original text,the stylistic features of the original text,the translation task and translation process.In the second section,Newmark's translation theory is sorted out in details.First,the author points out that his text typology can be utilized to guide the translation project.Then,his semantic and communicative translation strategies are introduced at great length.At last,the author proposes that the selected text is a type of informative text,which should use communicative strategy to translate.The third section explains the key of this translation is to transfer the S-P structure of English into the T-C structure of Chinese.It also lists four specific translation methods and gives exact examples with detailed discussion.The last section is a conclusion that includes a summary of Newmark's translation theory,the solution to the structural difference between English and Chinese and the significance of the fulfillment of this translation practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:News Analysis, text typology, communicative translation, themes and topics
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