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A Study Of Place Names In A Dream Of Red Mansions

Posted on:2020-03-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A Y ZhuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330578461504Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Firstly,this paper systematically reviews the previous studies on place names,especially the status quo of place names in A Dream of Red Mansions.Then according to the standard of combining the emptiness and reality of place names with the nature of place names,following the principles of systematic hierarchy,inclusiveness,comprehensiveness and simplicity,the place names in A Dream of Red Mansions are classified.First of all,there are two categories of reality and illusion,and then according to the nature of place names——“the unity of heaven and man”.That is to say,according to its basic attributes,it can be divided into physical geographical entities and human geographical entities.Physical geographical entities include mountains and waters;human geo graphical entities include administrative divisions,institutions,road traffic,artificial buildings and other types of geographical names.Then,starting from the two aspects of culture and language,the author studies the naming basis and motivation of place names in A Dream of Red Mansions in Chapter Three,the linguistic elements and pragmatic analysis of place names in A Dream of Red Mansions in Chapter Four and Chapter Five,and finally makes a summary and reflects on the shortcomings.Through exhaustive research and analysis of the place names in A Dream of Red Mansions,this paper concludes that most of the important place names in A Dream of Red Mansions are mainly distributed in the first eighty chapters.Real place names and illusory place names reflect each other,giving people a real and illusory feeling.And there are abundant kinds,especially real place names,which cover almost all natural and human geographical entities.From the cultural point of view,the naming basis of place names in A Dream of Red Mansions is mainly based on three aspects: the beauty of Chinese tone in language,the simplicity of syllables and the richness of meaning.The social aspect is mainly influenced by economy and ideology.Psychologically,they are influenced by the pursuit of good fortune and evil,the pursuit of refinement from vulgarity and the national psychology.As well as cultural aspects are mainly affected by social culture and Cao Xueqin's personal cultural level and literacy.The naming rationale mainly comes from four aspects:real social life,religion,legend,poetry and ode,semantic pun naming and geographical natural landscape naming.Wide range of sources.From the linguistic point of view,the use of flat tones and harmony in pronunciation is skillful.The use of color words and polysemous words is the main vocabulary aspect.The composition of place names and names in grammar is diverse and rich in structure.At the same time,the place names in A Dream of Red Mansions also give full play to their pragmatic meanings.Skillfully employing homonyms and pragmatic strategies that violate the principle of cooperation.By means of rhetoric,relevance and context,we can infer the profound pragmatic meanings of place names in A Dream of Red Mansions.And give full play to the pragmatic functions of marker recognition,irony disclosure and implicature.In short,the place names in A Dream of Red Mansions integrates place names,culture and language ingeniously.Culture and language influence place names,and place names also carry culture and language.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Place Name of A Dream of Red Mansions, classification of place names, named basis, rationale of place names, language elements, pragmatic analysis
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