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A Report On The E-C Translation Of An OECD Report From The Perspective Of Text Typology

Posted on:2021-04-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330602989442Subject:English interpretation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China is increasingly involved in international financial affairs,and China needs to learn from other countries’ excellent financial models and rich experience.As a result.the demand for financial text translation is increasing,and the quality requirements for such translation also become higher.The author completed the E-C translation of Short-term consumer credit:provision regulatory coverage and policy responses in September 2019.The source text is a financial text.According to Newmark’s text typology,most financial texts can be categorized as informative texts.After analysis,this source text does meet the description of informative texts.Therefore,translators should consider the approach of communicative translation proposed by Newmark.In other words,the information of the source text must be accurately transmitted,and at the same time,the target text should be reader-friendlyThis translation report starts from Peter Newmark’s text typology,analyzes the characteristics of the source text and difficulties in the translation process from lexical,syntactic,and textual coherence perspectives.The author takes text typology as the guidance in the translation process.As a result,the target text is accurate,smooth,concise,achieving the targets of the accurate transmission of information and the reader-friendliness of the target text,which are the prior targets in the translation of informative texts.At the same time,for each characteristic and difficulty,the author proposes translation strategies under the guidance of text typology.These strategies can serve as references for the E-C translation of financial texts and informative texts.
Keywords/Search Tags:text typology, communicative translation, financial texts, informative texts, translation strategies
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