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Research On The Han Dynasty Tombs In Ningzhen Area

Posted on:2021-05-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330647450140Subject:Cultural relics and museums
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As a special cultural relic,tombs reproduce the social relations and social life of the tomb owners during their lifetime,and also reflect people's ideology and funeral customs,which is the most intuitive reflection of the ancient social politics,economy,and culture.The ancient cultural relics in Ningzhen area are rich.Since ancient times,it has been the place where cultures intersect.The culture has diversity.In this paper,the tombs of the Han Dynasty in Ningzhen area are selected as the research objects.The archaeological data and the historical background are combined into one.Features and development context.According to the different construction materials of the tombs,the Han tombs in Ningzhen area are divided into three main types: earthen tombs,earthen tombs and brick chamber tombs.On this basis,the tomb types were divided to sort out the evolution of the Han tomb structure in the Ningzhen area,and it was found that the Han tombs in the Ningzhen area had vertical caves,wooden pits,wooden tombs,wooden roofs,stone roof tombs,wooden roof brick tombs,and brick During the diachronic development process of the transformation of the chamber tomb,the earthen pit tomb has a tendency to be gradually replaced by the tomb of Muzhuo.The earthen pit tomb presents a trend of changing from no burial to a burial,and from a tomb to a tomb.There is a single box to the divided box in the tomb of Muzhu in Tukeng,and the evolution of the single coffin to the double coffin sooner or later.The brick chamber tomb as a whole shows a dynamic evolution trend from a single room to a double room,the plane shape changes from regular to irregular.The common pottery combinations in Han tombs in Ningzhen area are dividedinto copper-like pottery ceremonial groups,daily pottery groups and model Mingqi groups according to the nature and function of pottery.The time distribution of different groups of pottery and the different types of tombs in different types of tombs The distribution is regular.The funerary product mix in Ningzhen area has undergone a phased change from copper-like pottery rituals to daily life utensils and model wares,reflecting the change of the funeral concept of the Han Dynasty from "ritual" to "vulgar".Comprehensive evolution of tomb structure and pottery combination trend,referring to the existing academic achievements,the Han tombs in Ningzhen area can be divided into three major development stages: the first stage,early Western Han to middle Western Han;the second stage,late Western Han to Eastern Han Early;the third stage,the middle and late Eastern Han Dynasty,the first stage can be divided into two periods of early Western Han and middle Western Han,the second stage can be divided into two periods from late Western Han to Wang Mang and early Eastern Han,each The structure of Han tombs and the funerary objects in the development stage have their own characteristics.Through comparison with other regions,it is found that different political status,geographical location and other factors of Ningzhen area have a certain impact on the tomb culture.Compared with the two Beijing areas,the Ningzhen area has a significant lag in the transformation of the tomb form.The process of abandoning the old traditions and the slow input of new cultural factors reflects the difference between the central and local areas.Compared with Xuzhou area,the development process of tomb shape in Ningzhen area is slow,and there is a big difference in the combination of funeral products.The style of funerary utensils in the area north of the Yangtze River in Nanjing is closer to that of Yangzhou.The Han tombs in the southern Anhui area are highly similar to the Ningzhen area in tomb structure and evolution law,reflecting the cultural unification trend.The dynamic change process of cultural factors in Han tombs in Ningzhen area is consistent with the historical and cultural background.The Han tombs in Ningzhen area include various cultural factors such as Wu Yue cultural factors,Chucultural factors,and Han cultural mainstream factors.Before the middle period of the Western Han Dynasty,it was deeply influenced by Wuyue culture and Chu culture.After the middle period of the Western Han Dynasty,the Han culture occupied the dominant position of the tombs in the Ningzhen area.It is limited to the ceremonial level,but it penetrates into daily life,gradually integrates with the local culture and penetrates into the hearts of the people.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ningzhen area, Han tomb, tomb structure, funerary combination, cultural factors
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