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Research On The Promotion Of Township Government Execution Under The Background Of The Modernization Of Governance Ability

Posted on:2019-08-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z C CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330545469237Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Third Plenary Session of the 18 th CPC Central Committee will "advance the mo dernization of the country’s governance system and governance capabilities" as the overal-l goal of comprehensively deepening reforms.To achieve this overall goal,we must "effectively transform government functions,deepen the reform of the administrative system,innovate administrative methods,strengthen the government’s credibility and execution,an-d build a government of the rule of law and a service-oriented government." This shows that "government execution power" is closely related to the realization of modernization of the country’s governance.To realize the modernization of the country’s governance,it is necessary to enhance the government’s execution power.As the most basic government in our country,the township government is the ultimate implementer and executor of all policies of the country.Under the current backgroun d of advancing the governance system and the modernization of governance capacity,the phenomenon of ineffective implementation of township governments and low implement ation efficiency is still commonplace,which seriously undermines the government’s credibi-lity and execution.The so-called implementation power of township government refers to the internal force and aggregative power of the township government in implementing the Party’s and the country’s lines,principles,and policies,and achieving the set goals.Promoting the modernization of governance capacity is to continuously strengthen and enhance the government’s ability to govern,governance,decision-making,execution,and supervision in the governance of various things,so as to realize the institutionalization of various government affairs.Standardized,procedural process.The modernization of governance capacity and the improvement of the execution capacity of the township government are combined and promoted.Enhancing the execution of the township government is an important driving force and key link in advancing the modernization of governance capacity.Modernization of governance capacity is the goal-oriented approach to improving the execution of the township government.And ideas lead.Therefore,the level of execution of the township government directly determines whether government governance is effective or not,and it also concerns whether the overall goal of comprehensively deepening reform can be achieved.Starting from the background of the modernization o f national governance capacity,the micro-perspective of X county T township was used t o sort out the six major issues of the implementation of the implementation of the imple mentation of the township government,implementation of choice,coping with implement ation,symbolic implementation,alternative implementation and additional implementation.The main factors affecting the implementation of the township government are analyzed from five aspects: implementation requirements,execution subject,execution object,impl ementation resources,and execution mechanism.Finally,the realistic path for improving t he execution capacity of the township government is explored in the context of the mode rnization of governance capabilities.That is to strengthen the implementation of the main body,nurturing the implementation of the culture;to cultivate multiple entities,to achie ve good governance in the countryside;optimize the allocation of resources to achieve th e unity of rights and responsibilities;regulate the design of the system,and strengthen th e protection of the system.In the context of the modernization of governance capabilities,it is the key to improving the execution of township governments and strengthening the executive body.Optimizing the allocation of resources is the key point.Regulating the de sign of the system is the guarantee and achieving good governance in the countryside is the goal.In short,improving the implementation of the township government involves m any aspects such as the re-allocation of resources and the reform of the institutional mec hanism.It does not happen overnight.It requires the coordinated efforts of the governme nt,society,and the market.
Keywords/Search Tags:Governance capacity modernization, township government, government ex ecution, township government execution
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