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Research On Local Legislation To Promote National Unity And Progress In Our Country

Posted on:2019-10-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S WangFull Text:PDF
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Since the founding of the people's Republic of China,domestic and foreign hostile forces have long coveted China's political power,and have always wanted to engage in splittism,especially in ethnic minority areas.The situation of terrorism is not optimistic.After 2000,The shadow of ethnic separatist activities and terrorist events enveloped our ethnic minority areas.In order to deal with the harm of national separatism and terrorism to the minority areas of our country,our country should take this kind of incident seriously and formulate the corresponding countermeasures.The most important thing is to issue the corresponding legal text in order to curb and crack down on this kind of incident.However,at present,only a few ethnic areas in China have enacted relevant laws to promote national unity and progress.Most of the minority areas have yet to produce the relevant legal documents to promote national unity and progress,which is far from able to deal with the dark forces of national separatism.In judicial practice,there is an urgent need for relevant legislation to promote national unity and progress.The core of promoting national unity and progress lies in unity and progress.National unity is related to the relations of mutual help and mutual assistance and harmonious coexistence among the nationalities,and the national progress is related to the economic and social development of ethnic areas and other related issues.It is the two core thoughts of the Party and the government in dealing with the problems of national work."promoting national unity and progress" means that the Party and the government have formulated corresponding policies and policies,with the participation of all sectors of society.In 2001,the people of all ethnic groups in the whole country worked together to bring together the 56 nationalities in our country,so that the people of all ethnic groups could make common progress and development,so that the people of all nationalities could lead a happy and happy life.China is a great China composed of 56 nationalities.To promote national unity and progress is closely related to the long-term stability and stability of the country.The happiness and well-being of the people are closely related to the happiness and prosperity of all ethnic groups.National unity and harmonious ethnic relations refer to the "union of different nationalities on the basis of voluntary and equality for their common interests and goals,and one of the fundamental principles of Marxism in dealing with national problems".The implication is that the peoples We should work together to promote and maintain a better relationship,to coordinate and protect the interests of all parties,and to have the same connotation of equality among all ethnic groups.National progress and the promotion of national economic and social development are inseparable.National progress is the common progress of all ethnic groups.At the present stage,the party and the government's national work policy is to vigorously promote the development of ethnic minorities and ethnic areas,provide huge financial support,and carry out effective policies.We will better raise the level of economic and social development in minority areas to a new historical level,work hard to promote the construction of the people's livelihood project in ethnic minority areas,enable the people of minority areas to live and work in peace and contentment,and enable the people of all ethnic groups to achieve a comfortable life together.Umoja and "Progress",with speculative relations,you and I,can not be separated.The key to promoting national unity and progress lies in the handling of ethnic relations and the promotion of national development.The practice of "promoting national unity and progress" is an activity in which the Party and the government have gradually achieved certain social effects in their actual work.All the activities of promoting the practice of national unity and progress fully show the spiritual outlook of the people of all nationalities and express another form of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation.To promote national unity and progress in real life is to propagate the party and government's policies over ethnic areas in minority areas.It is the process of promoting the prosperity of ethnic areas.In addition,national unity itself is also a process,a process in which a multi-ethnic society realizes national unity in the process of continuous development and progress,and promotes the development of ethnic groups on an equal and friendly basis.Its essence is a kind of social relations between nations and their members,and therefore,the process of national unity must be influenced by many factors,including history and culture,national beliefs,national habits,etc.Its realization needs the coordination of many factors.However,it is more imperative to carry on the relevant legislative research on the national unity and progress in the light of the great direction of constructing a society ruled by law in our country.Therefore,it is necessary to do relevant research on the legislation to promote national unity and progress.
Keywords/Search Tags:national unity and progress, local legislation, national separatism crime, legislation to promote national unity and progress
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