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Comparative Study On Anti-corruption Investigation System Between China And Singapore

Posted on:2020-07-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L X DingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330578476807Subject:Legal theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Anti-corruption investigation is an important step of handling corruption cases and an important part of anti-corruption investigation system.Anti-corruption investigation system is a system constructed by a series of rules that anti-corruption investigation institutions understand and investigate the legal relationship,personnel involved,facts,evidence and other information and situations involved in corruption cases through statutory means and measures according to their statutory functions and powers.The study of anti-corruption investigation system is of positive significance to prevent corruption.analyze the causes of corruption and crack down on corruption.Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China,the party and the state attaches great importance to crack down on corruption.especially since the 19th congress,in order to form a strict rule of the supervision system,so as to achieve the goal of promoting the rule of law,implemented in all parts of the country state supervision sy stem reform,actively integrating the resource of anti-corruption strength,the formation of centralized and unified,authoritative and efficient system of anti-corruption.Although supervisor organs at all levels have been established in China,many systems are still in the exploratory stage.And with our Asia Singapore influenced deeply by the Chinese traditional culture,have similar cultural background,its high degree of integrity and efficient anti-corruption is famous in the world for a long time,after a long period of exploration and efforts,made the is given priority to with "corruption prevention act" and other laws and regulations of relevant supporting anti-corruption laws and regulations,set up with corruption bureau of investigation for the anti-con-uption investigations of effective anti-corruption agency,its successful experience in the construction of anti-corruption system is worth learning from.This paper from China and Singapore’s anti-corruption laws and regulations,anti-corruption investigators,a comparative study of anti-corruption system running Angle separation system of anti-corruption investigations of different between the two countries,based on the current anti-corruption reality in China,on the basis of reasonable absorbing,proposed consummates our country anti-corruption investigations related laws and regulations,institutional setup and system operation of the strategy of rule of order to strengthen the social comprehensive governance,to build a harmonious society under the rule of law,provide reference to promote the rule of law.
Keywords/Search Tags:Anti-corruption investigation system, Comparison of Singapore in China, The rule of law countermeasures
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