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The Anti-corruption Systems Of Hong Kong And Singapore And Its Enlightenment

Posted on:2018-09-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X PanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330515487600Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Hong Kong and Singapore's anti-corruption effectiveness and clean government are leader of all countries and regions.The ICAC has made such astonishing achievements in anti-corruption and corruption,and it is inseparable from the independent setting of its own institutions,the relatively perfect legal system and the effective functioning mechanism of the system.The system design of the ICAC in Hong Kong determines its operation mechanism is the enforcement,prevention,and education of the three-pronged anti-corruption strategy.Firstly,the executive branch actively investigates the related corruption cases according to the clues obtained,and punishes the corrupt persons by investigating the case,so that they dare not to corrupt again.Secondly,law enforcement must be combined with prevention,and the law enforcement is only afterwards punished.But if it can be exposed and curbed before corruption,it will greatly reduce the likelihood of the transfer of money and enhance the confidence of the government and the public.Thirdly,the ICAC also attaches great importance to the anti-corruption education of the population,and through the creation of a social atmosphere and the ruling and ruling consensus on corruption tolerance and intolerance;it will greatly enhance the public's participation in corruption and effectively tie in with the ICAC's anti-corruption efforts.Singapore's already formed anti-corruption system has the 'compound'characteristic,the so-called 'compound',is it is not a single system,but a comprehensive network of integrity system.Firstly,the organic whole of anti-corruption bodies,personnel,laws and mechanisms is formed in the main body of corruption.Second,in the object of anti-corruption,both the requirements for public officials and the system design of occupational corruption.Third,in the anti-corruption process,including a set of anti-corruption safeguards system,from the prevention of corruption to the governance of corruption formed a perfect'anti-corruption chain',making the whole society formed a 'do not want to rot-dare not rot-not to rot-do not have to rot' the integrity of the atmosphere and environment.Through combing the historical vein of the anti-corruption system in Hong Kong and Singapore,this paper probes into the intrinsic demands and behavioral logic of the establishment of corruption system,and summarizes their successful experiences in anti-corruption construction.By combing the historical vein of anti-corruption construction in the above-mentioned regions and countries,this article will be based on the achievements of anti-corruption in China and the characteristics of the current corruption,try to find Hong Kong and Singapore,respectively,the integrity of the system and the construction of the system for reference to China,and propose corresponding anti-corruption proposals.The successful experience of Hong Kong has included the establishment of an independent anti-corruption body,the establishment and perfection of multiple supervisory checks and balances,the strengthening of anti-corruption legislation and the strengthening of anti-corruption education.Singapore's successful experience includes a comprehensive and rigorous legal system,the establishment of a civil service guarantee system,the development of a human nature and rigorous civil service property declaration system and the governance of occupational corruption.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hong Kong ICAC, Singapore compound anti-corruption system China mainland
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