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The Anti-corruption Experience Of Singapore’s And Gives Enlightenment To China

Posted on:2018-08-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330518451453Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Singapore as a world of clean government,through the implementation of a series of reform measures in the early stage and the anti-corruption measures,has entered a clean,efficient and politically clean country.The reform of Singapore’s anti-corruption policy is scientific and targeted.The successful elements of Singapore’s anti-corruption reform can be summed up as an all-round educational mechanism,which makes people not want to rot.By advocating the concept of Confucianism,clean education for all as well as the typical demonstration education and other educational mechanisms,so that the people from ideology can do the anti-corruption.The strict punishment makes people afraid to rot through moral punishment,legal punishment and other measures to punish corruption in the thunder,making people are afraid of corruption.And the unique salary guarantee keeps people from rotting.Singapore could make people live a prosperous and happy life by high salary and high levels of social security system,and make people do not rot.Improving the construction of the civil service making the people’s quality improved substantially,and making the people can be highly self restrained rather than corrupt.Singapore has become a model of anti-corruption throughout the world and enjoys a reputation in the political,economic and other fields rely on such anti-corruption practice.China and Singapore have a high degree of anti-corruption correspondence,determination of joint anti-corruption and the same anti-corruption cultural base,space,and similarity of political parties.All these provide the basis for our country to draw lessons from Singapore’s anti-corruption experience.Since the founding of the Communist Party of China,it has attached great importance to anti-corruption work.China punishes corrupt officials and eliminates evil through launching the movements of against the “three evils” and the “five evils”.Through the setting up of anti-corruption institutions,coming up of anti-corruption laws and regulations and a series of anti-corruption activities to demonstrate China’s commitment to anti-corruption.After The sixteen National People’s Congress,especially since the eighteen people’s Congress was held,the local government attaches great importance tothe issue of anti-corruption and regards it as the focus of Party building work,and hit the tigers together with the flies,making the China anti-corruption work to move forward quickly,and have made great achievements.However,corruption is,after all,a stubborn tumor in the development of human society.It can not be eliminated within a short period of time,and the anti-corruption work has a long way to go.Therefore,we should draw on the experience of anti-corruption from Singapore.Start from the source,keep the party in discipline,and strengthen the construction of the ruling party,so that the broad masses of Party members and cadres should not be corrupt.Zero tolerance to eradicate corruption,and the corrupt behavior will never be tolerated,and create a atmosphere which people do not dare to rot.Improve the salary,social welfare,insurance and retirement system of the civil servants so as to ensure that the government staff do not have no reason to rot.By drawing on Singapore’s successful experience and creatively carrying out anti-corruption work,we can certainly fight against corruption.
Keywords/Search Tags:Singapore, Anti-Corruption, Civil Servants, China, Enlightment
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