The construction of pilot free trade zones is an important realistic issue for China to comprehensively deepen reforms and build a new open economic system.According to the requirements of the 19 th National Congress report“ Transforming Government functions and deepening the Streamlined and Decentralized Administration”,as a new field of institutional innovation,new era reform and opening up,the pilot free trade zone has naturally become a model window for the government functional transformation,and the standards and requirements for original government governance modes and institutional innovations have been raised higher.Therefore,how to optimize the government governance mode,to innovate system and mechanism and to break through the bottleneck of the development of the pilot free trade zone have become key issues to promote the government functional transformation and to form a new pattern of comprehensive opening.From the perspective of government functional transformation,this paper comprehensively uses the research methods such as literature research,policy text analysis and data envelopment analysis method,finds the status quo of government governance mode in pilot free trade zones in China and abroad,analyzes the policy tools of government function transformation and explores the efficiency differences and causes of the government governance mode in Chinese pilot free trade zones to propose targeted countermeasures.Firstly,this paper analyzes the change of government governance concept in the pilot free trade zone from the perspective of public governance theory,and clarifies the role change and functional transformation of the government.Based on the current main government governance modes of the global free trade zones and the theory of organizational change and institutional change,this paper constructs a model of government governance mode change in the pilot free trade zone from the two aspects of ways and stages of change,to establish a theoretical framework for comparing the government governance mode of Chinese pilot free trade zones.Secondly,this paper summarizes and compares the types of government governance modes in Chinese pilot free trade zones,and provides reference for optimizing the government governance mode of Chinese pilot free trade zones.At the same time,this paper analyzes and understands the current status of government governance modes and the main tasks of government governance in Chinese pilot free trade zones through the overall plan text analysis.Thirdly,according to the theoretical analysis framework and text analysis results,this paper selects the input-output indicators and uses the DEA model to compare the input-output efficiency of different government governance modes to analyze the efficiency characteristics and causes of business-oriented,government-enterprise cooperation and government-lead governance mode.Finally,based on the perspective of government functional transformation,this paper proposes promoting the reform of the governance mode,improving the policy tools for the government functional transformation and the efficiency of input and output of the government governance mode.In a word,this paper expands the research perspective from finance,trade,and investment to the government functional transformation.On the other hand,through the text mining of the policy and the analysis of input-output efficiency of the government governance mode of Chinese pilot free trade zones,this paper expounds the status quo of government governance and the policy tools for the government functional transformation in Chinese pilot free trade zones,and presents the problems and causes of the efficiency of government governance under different modes.Based on the research,the paper further proposes the optimization path of promoting the government governance mode of Chinese pilot free trade zones. |