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Cross-Cultural Communication Management Between Pakistani And Chinese Employees In ELTE Project

Posted on:2021-01-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Muhammad NoumanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330602483476Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this era of globalization,cultural diversity has gained a lot of attention.Increasing diversity has significantly influenced different aspects of the world.The relationship between China and Pakistan has gained prominence as the relationship has evolved effectively with the passage of time.The two countries have initiated different programs and projects together with the aim of development and growth.The research aimed to study cross-cultural communication management among the employees of Pakistan and China involved in the eLTE project.For the research,qualitative data was gathered from both primary and secondary sources.The interviews were conducted to gather relevant data,which provided insights related to the research topic.The secondary sources like research articles and journals helped in gathering relevant information related to the problem statement.From the analysis of the data,it was found that the communication barriers exist in the case of cross-cultural projects.The differences in languages,way of thinking,way of sharing information,and the differences in meanings and gestures create barriers to communication.The research indicated the importance of considering the development and integration of strategies,which can help in overcoming these communication barriers.The study recommends that the management must provide learning and training opportunities for the employees.It can help in developing understanding and gaining knowledge related to the different cultures.The understanding can help in building confidence and ensure the acceptance of cultural diversity.The success of projects relies on effective communication and coordination between the employees.Therefore,it is essential to focus on reducing the communication barriers by integrating the right and relevant strategies and methods.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cross-Cultural Communication, Management, Intercultural Team
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