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Study On The Problems And Countermeasures Of Floating Population Management In Rural-Urban Fringe Zones

Posted on:2020-11-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K J MaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330623459231Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The prosperity of a city can not be separated from the positive contribution of the floating population.To a certain extent,the urbanization process of China is the process of population migration from rural to urban and from inland to coastal areas.Meanwhile,driven by the Overflow Effect of the city,cities are not the ultimate destination of the floating population.They often pour into the urban-rural fringe because of the cost of living,convenient transportation and other factors,thus triggering new contradictions such as population flow,value creation and social management between urban and rural areas.In Rural-urban Fringe Zones of Gaoqiao Town in Haishu District,a large number of floating migrants have been stationed here for a long time,bringing a serious phenomenon of population proportion inversion.The government of the urban-rural junction also faces many pressures and implementation difficulties in implementing the national floating population policy and various public preferential policies.Based on the combination of theoretical elaboration and data analysis,this paper utilizes the transformation of government's governing functions during the transition period and the investigation and research in Rural-urban Fringe Zones of Gaoqiao Town to analyze the management issues and corresponding measures.Then put forward the countermeasures about the floating population management through the exploration of the problems and causes,hoping to improve the management mechanism of floating population in Gaoqiao Town as well as providing some reference for other towns(streets)government(offices)of floating population management.This article mainly through five parts to analyze the floating population management problems and causes of Rural-urban Fringe Zones and raise the countermeasures and suggestions.Part one,an introduction,including research background,research significance,literature review and research methods.Part two,definition of the core concepts of the paper,including urban-rural fringe,floating population, limit the scope of the paper,and the theoretical basis of the analysis and research.The third part analyzes the distribution of floating population in Gaoqiao Town,the following impact,the management status and achievements from fouraspects,that is,population size,personnel level,source residence and employment structure.Part four,the specific study of management deficiencies to the urban-rural fringe of migrant population in Gaoqiao Town and the causes of the problem were analyzed.The main problems are as follows,the management concept is still dominated by management and control,the basic information of the floating population is incomplete,the implementation of the management measures is still deficient,the problems about the social comprehensive management is prominent,common phenomenon of building and rebuilding rental houses,social security and services need to be improved and so on.The main reasons are,management awareness and ideas are lagging,poor coordination of management system and mechanism,the overall quality of the floating population to be improved,the implementation of relevant laws and regulations is poor.Part five,propose countermeasures and suggestions of floating population in Rural-urban Fringe Zones mainly through the following six aspects,innovating and optimizing management concepts,establishing and improving management mechanisms,accelerating the construction of information systems,strengthening comprehensive social governance,improving the social security system and expanding social participation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural-urban Fringe Zones, floating population, management, Gaoqiao Town
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