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A Practical Study On The Revision Of Chapters Of Students In The Mode Of Autonomous And Cooperative Learning

Posted on:2019-08-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q X YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330545477215Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the implementation of the concept of modem chemistry cuiTiculum,it has always emphasized the need to transform learmers’learning methods,promote inquiry learning,cooperative learming,and self-directed learning.However,in the first-line practical teaching,a large part of teachers in high school chemistry classes still use the teaching method of“full indoctrination style",especially in the chemistry review class,teachers generally adopt the method of“teacher is the main character of the classroom,extracts knowledge points,summarizes,students are the supporting role in the classroom,and is only responsible for accepting and copying notes,,resulting in students being too teachers Reliance,poor self-study review consciousness,review of the atmosphere of class life is dead and heavy,students’ enthusiasm for learling chemistry is greatly weakened,and class review efficiency is low.Through questionnaires and observation of chemistry to review student performance in the classroom,we can know the current situation of high school chemistry students review class.The literature resear-ch method,questionnaire survey method,interview method,and action resear-ch method were used to explore the practical research on the methods and guidance of the teacher’s self-reliant collaborative review under the self-directed collaboration model.The practice teaching school is the second affiliated Middle School of Hunan normal University,choosing two Parallel classes serve as experimental classes and control classes.During the process of practice,according to the specific content,teachers introduce the three methods of self-review and demonstration:"tree classification method","cartoon scenario method","graphic outline method",and combined with the teacher’s three methods of demonstration,teachers guide students to learm Using these three methods,the students and the group are required to discuss the perfect drawing,the final group display,and the teacher’s comment when used according to the specific content.The conclusions of this paper are as follows:(1)Guided by the teacher’s chemistry review method,and guiding students to self-organizing and group collaboration,not only mobilized the students’ enthusiasm and interest in the chemistry review class,but also exercised the students’ ability to study independently,and learned how to get along with other classmates.The courage to express one’s own ideas,have a sense of teamwork,enhance learmers’ self-efficacy,and help improve the effectiveness of chemistiy classroom teaching.(2)It helps to improve the professional quality of teachers and enhance their professional well-being.(3)The methodological.guidance for chemical review can be extended to other disciplines and has great promotion significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Autonomous learning, collaborative learning, high school chemistry review, tree taxonomy, comics scenario method, graphs
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