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The Relationship Between Body Esteem,fear Of Negative Evaluation And Interpersonal Relationships In Junior High School Students

Posted on:2019-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R J GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330551956214Subject:Mental health education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The rapid development of physical and mental health during adolescence brings junior high school students' attention to their appearance and posture.However,due to their immature cognitive level,most junior high school students cannot correctly recognize and treat the normal physiological changes at this stage,it causes to body dissatisfaction and rejection and low body self-esteem.Dissatisfaction with the body raises the individual's fears of negative opinions and evaluations of others and affects their daily interpersonal relationships.The past relevant studies have rarely studied junior high school students.The research of relationship between body esteem,fear of negative evaluation,and interpersonal relationships is also rare.In order to enrich the results of relevant research fields,encourag junior high school students establishing a good sense of body and promote the development of junior high school students' physical and mental health,we carried out the research.In this study,615 students from three junior high schools in Shanxi Province were investigated by questionnaires,and 532 valid questionnaires were retrieved.Data is processed by SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 20.0,it shows:1.The levels of body esteem of male junior high school students are significantly higher than female students.Grade 1 is significantly higher than grade 3 in their physical status.There is a significant difference in the only child or not in physical self-worth and physical condition,the only child scored higher than the non-only child,and there are differences in the body self-esteem of junior high school students with different frequency and duration of exercise.2.The difference between male and female junior high school students in fear of negative evaluation is significant,girls are higher than boys.Except the gender differences,junior high school students' fear of negative evaluation has no significant different among grades,only child or not,andsports.3.In peer relationship,differences in gender and the only child are significant in the dimension of interaction and fear inferiority.Girls score are higher than boys,and one child scores are lower than non-only children.The frequency and duration of the exercise also affect peer relationship.The teacher-student relationship has significant differences in gender,grade,and only child.The schoolgirls are better than schoolboys.Junior 1and Junior 2 students are better than Junior 3.The one child is better than not the only child.The relationship between girls and mother is significantly better than schoolboys.There are significant parent-child affinity difference in Junior 1and Junior 2 but not Junior 3.Both of them higher than Junior 3.And the one child also score higher than not the only child.Well,in parental conflicts,there are no significant differences.4.Adolescents body esteem is significantly negative correlate with fear of negative evaluation.The body esteem has a significant positive correlation with parental affinity,a significant negative correlation with parent-child conflict,and a significant positive correlation with peer acceptance,and a significant negative correlation with the interaction and fear inferiority.The correlation among fear of negative evaluation on father-son affinity,parent-child conflict,peer relationship is just opposite.Body esteem can directly affect parent-child conflict and peer relationship,it can also affect that by fear of negative evaluation.Fear of negative evaluation has partial mediating effect in the relationship between body self-esteem and parental conflict and peer relationship.
Keywords/Search Tags:Adolescent, Body esteem, Fear of negative evaluation, Interpersonal relationships
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