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Research On Core Concept Of High School Organic Chemistry Based On Experimental Inqurry

Posted on:2020-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330572981220Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As an important part of the knowledge of Chemistry,Chemistry concepts are the basis for construction and development of Chemical knowledge systems.Chemical concepts are highly condensed into Core concepts,and core concepts are the leading of many specific Chemistry knowledge.Chemistry is a subject based on experiment,and experiment is an important means to pursue truth and essence.Concerning students’ scientific inquiry and dialectical thinking are vital value orientations to cultivate students’ core literacy.The concept of Chemistry is abstract,general and theoretical,and the authenticity and interest of experimental inquiry are complementary to it.This paper aims to according to the 2017 version of the ordinary high school Chemistry new curriculum standard and the existing research based on high school Chemistry core concepts,using literature analysis,content analysis,questionnaire investigation and case study method,confirming to the core concepts of part of the Organic Chemistry of high school Chemistry and carrying the Chemistry teaching design based on the experimental inquiry for the core concepts.Conduct the following research,firstly,analyze the research background,determine the research content,and elaborate the research purpose and significance.Secondly,literature analysis was used to define the concepts of the core concepts of Chemistry and experimental inquiry,and present situation of teaching and research of experimental inquiry and core concepts were summarized.The theoretical foundations of this study were analyzed from the perspectives of constructivism learning theory,inquiry-based learning theory and core accomplishment of chemistry.On the basis of theoretical research,Likert Five-point scale method was used to design the scoring table based on the concept of Organic Chemistry.A survey was conducted in the Chemistry group of senior one and senior two in a high school of Sichuan province.SPSS 25.0 was used to conduct credibility analysis and descriptive statistical analysis of the selected Organic Chemistry concepts.Analyzing of the Chemical concepts of more than 3 points and determining the core concepts.The teaching design cases based on experimental inquiry were designed: the teaching design of "halogenated alkyl-bromoethane" and "phenol-phenol".Drawing the following conclusions,firstly,Chemical core concepts are the superior concept of specific Chemical knowledge,which may be the concept itself or the highly condensed concept.Chemical core concept such as REDOX reaction belongs to itself.And the structure determines the nature of nature use,the Chemistry subject thought is the core to solve the problem and deal with the Chemical discipline,is also a core concept.For example,"Functional " and " Addition,Substitution" represent the specific Chemistry knowledge of core concepts.The new curriculum standards attach great importance to thematic teaching,the teaching of core concepts,and the infiltration and expansion of scientific inquiry in teaching.However,there are many unilateral studies on experimental exploration and core concepts,mainly focusing on the definition of concepts,research on teaching strategies,research on teaching value and significance.There are few studies on the combination of the experimental exploration and core concepts.The implementation of experimental inquiry in middle school teaching is not satisfactory and encountering a bottleneck.Teacher can successfully complete the teaching task and the teaching material stipulation experiment really is not easy due to the teaching task is heavy and the time is tight.
Keywords/Search Tags:experimental inquiry, core concepts, organic chemistry, teaching case
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