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Spatial Evolution And Marginal Identity:The Influence Of Village Reconstruction On Villager Identity

Posted on:2020-02-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X T HouFull Text:PDF
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In recent years,with the continuous advancement of China's urbanization process,major cities across the country have set off a boom in the transformation of urban villages.The municipal government hopes to further promote urbanization through the transformation of urban villages and promote the peasant citizenization.However,the economic,social and cultural differences between urban and rural areas in China are caused by China's long-term urban and rural dual household registration.Although the villagers officially obtained citizenship after the villagers reform,they faced the dilemma of urban economic integration,social integration and urban life culture integration.It is difficult to establish a sense of belonging to citizens and their cities.It is also difficult to establish a citizenship process to hinder the citizenship process of the villagers.Therefore,in order to study in more depth the influence of the status and spatial structure of villagers in the village.In response to changes in the identity of the villagers,the author selected X Village,Taiyuan City,Shanxi Province as a research point,and conducted a field survey on X Village using semi-structured interviews and participation observations.Through the investigation,the author found that the existing villagers in X village generally showed the difficulty of urban adaptation and the ambiguity of identification,which was reflected in the low level of economic identification and the improvement of living expenses brought about by urban marginalization.The villagers obtained in the citizenship of the household registration,but recognized the identity of the farmers on the psychological and social level.The continuation of old habits and thoughts caused by urban-rural cultural conflicts and subsequent cultural identity,as well as the loss of emotional identity,is difficult to integrate into the masses and urban life.However,the reason why the villagers are confused about the status quo is that it is difficult for the villagers to adapt to the changes in the spatial order brought about by the changes in the living space after the city.Therefore,they often clash with citizens in their daily lives and deepen the contradictions between the two sides.High-income living and employment difficulties,high cost of living and unhealthy social security in stark contrast,resulting in villagers are very satisfied with the dividends and rental income before the transition,but formed a dissatisfaction with the village transformation and identity.The separation of contacts with citizen groups has led villagers to maintain a closed social network that consolidates the memory of the villagers' local lives and makes them more inclined to identify with farmers.The cultural conflict between urban and rural areas makes it difficult for villagers to adapt and internalize the rules and order of urban life,and it is difficult to form the identity of urban culture,leading to the deviation of identity.It can be seen that the separation of villagers and citizens in economic space,social interaction space,cultural space and psychological space is the biggest obstacle for villagers to realize the transformation of citizenship.Therefore,the government should focus on helping villagers improve their urban adaptability,help villagers integrate into the urban social security system,and eliminate villagers' concerns about urban life.At the same time,villagers must actively change their minds and actively adapt to urban life.
Keywords/Search Tags:spatial transformation, marginal identification, urban village reconstruction, identity, urbanization
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