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Research On Evaluation Of Discipline Cluster Ecosystem Of Health Degree

Posted on:2019-05-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330590994552Subject:Educational Economy and Management
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In 1973,the Universit y of Tsukuba in Japan broke the barriers between discip lines and established a new pattern for teaching and learning---discip line cluster,which helps to promote system refor m on universit y disc iplines.Instit ut ions such as Stanford Universit y have also active ly explored new models for universit y discip line cluster through interd iscip linar y cooperation and discip line clusters.Wit h the active explorat ion of discip line integrat ion in universit ies around the world,discip line integrat ion has become a significant trend in the establis hment and development of univers ity disc iplines.Worldw ide universit ies build disc ipline clusters to centralize a cademic resources,concentrate disc ipline advantages,and raise the le vel of scient ific research and innovat ion.The construct ion of d iscip line c luster has stimulated the study of discip line cluster.However,because of the constructio n of d iscip line cluster constrained by the camp us resources and the universit y syste m,the current domest ic researches on discip line c lusters are ma inly focused on the two bas ic issues of “should be built” and “how to build”.At present,researches on discip line c luster gradua lly become d ivers ified,but unified ana lys is t heories and evaluatio n systems are devoid.This paper studies the eva luat ion of discip line cluster hea lth degree from t he perspective of ecosystem,and hopes to provide theoretical reference and pract ical refer ence for universit y construct ion and mana geme nt discip line clusters.First,this paper builds a disc ipline cluster ecosystem.Through the collat ion of related literatures at home and abroad,this paper compares and analyzes t he related content of disc ip lines,interdiscip lines and interdiscip linary subjects,defines the concept of discip line clusters,expounds its characterist ics and format ion mechanis m,and constructs the discip line cluster ecosystem fro m the perspective of ecosystem.The concept,character ist ics,funct ions,components and the ir relat ions hip of the discip line cluster ecosyste m are introduced.O n this basis,the connotat ion of the health of the disc ipline cluster ecosystem is put forward,and the necessity of conduct ing hea lth eva luatio n is e xpounded.Second ly,this paper designs t he evaluatio n index syste m of the disc ipline cluster ecosystem hea lth.This paper expounds the health mechanis m of t he discip line cluster ecosystem based on DPSIR model,introduces the design princ ip les and design basis of the evaluat ion index syste m.Under the guidance of DPSIR model,the dime ns ions establish the eva luat ion index syste m of the disc ip line cluster ecosystem hea lth,and calc ulate the correspond ing index weights.Fina lly,us ing t he rele vant results of the research on the disc ipline cluster ecosystem,a case study was conducted on the disc ip line cluster of H Univers ity Automat ion and Electr ical and Electronic Engineering.This paper ana lyzes the deve lopment status and exist ing proble ms of t he discip line cluster from t he perspectives of d iscip line ind ivid uals and disc ipline group populat ions,and evaluates them by using the discip line cluster ecosystem healt h evaluatio n index system,and comb ines the evaluatio n results to promote the healt h of the discipline cluster.Development has put forward corresponding recommendations.
Keywords/Search Tags:discip line cluster, ecosystem, health degree, evaluation
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