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On The Relationships Among Perception Of Parents' Academic Expectations,Perception Of Teachers' Expectations,Achievement Goal Orientation And Academic Possible Selves Of Middle School Students And The Educational Implications

Posted on:2021-04-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M M QuFull Text:PDF
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Middle school students' academic possible selves may be influenced by many factors,am ong which the perception of important others' expectations has been found to be an important fact or by theories and studies.However,how perception of parents' academic expectation and perceptio n of teachers' expectation affect the academic possible selves of middle school students may need further study.Achievement goal orientation refers to students' perception of learning purpose and s ignificance in learning activities.This study explores the role of achievement goal orientation in the influence of perception of parents' academic expectations and perception of teachers' expectations on the academic possible selves of middle school students.Based on the literature review,this study explores the characteristics of perception of par ents' academic expectations,perception of teachers' expectations,achievement goal orientation,acada mic possible selves,and the relationship among perception of parents' academic expectations,perc eption of teachers' expectations,achievement goal orientation,acadamic possible selves.A total of 1096 middle school students from 4 schools in different areas of henan provi nce were surveyed by using the academic possible selves questionnaire,the academic expectation subscale of the perceived parental expectation scale of middle school students,the student-perceive d teacher expectation questionnaire and the four-cent goal-orientation scale.Statistical methods such as descriptive analysis,t test,variance analysis,correlation analysis and the bootstrap mediation e ffect of Process plug-in were used to test the data.The results showed that:First,there are significant gender differences in the dimensions of negative near-end and negative far-end of middle school students' academic possible selves;There are significant differenc es in grade in the total score of academic possible selves of middle school students and the four dimensions of positive near-end,positive far-end,negative near-end and negative far-end;The positi ve far-end dimension has significant difference in singleton or not;The total score of the possible academic selves and the three dimensions of the positive near-end,positive far-end and negative ne ar-end have significant differences in the family location.Second,there is a significant gender difference in perception of parents' academic expect ations of middle school students.Third,there is a significant difference in gender in the dimensions of academic feedback of middle school students' perception of teachers' expectations;There are significant differences i n grade in the dimensions of teaching interaction and academic feedback;The total score of perce ption of teachers' expectations and the two dimensions of teachers' support and academic feedback have significant differences in singleton.;The total score of perception of teachers' expectations a nd the three dimensions of teachers' support,teaching interaction and academic feedback have sign ificant difference in the family location.Fourth,there are significant gender differences in the dimensions of performance-approac h goal,mastery-avoidance goal and performance-avoidance goal of middle school students' achievem ent goal orientation;There are significant differences in grade in the dimensions of mastery-approa ch goal,performance-approach goal,mastery-avoidance goal and performance-avoidance goal.The per formance-avoidance goal dimension has significant difference in singleton or not.The two dimensions of performance-approach goal and performance-avoidance goal have significant differences in f amily location.Fifth,The academic possible selves and perception of parents' academic expectations of middle school students have significant differences in the subjective socioeconomic status.Sixth,there are significant correlations among middle school students' academic possible selves,perception of parents' academic expectation,perception of teachers' expectation and achie vement goal orientation.Seventh,the achievement goal orientation of middle school students plays mediating role between perception of parents' academic expectation,perception of teachers' expectation and acade mic possible selves.According to the above research results,the following educational implications are put fo rward:First,take targeted measures to improve the level of parents' academic expectation percep tion of middle school students.Parents should be good at discovering and understanding their chil dren's physical and mental characteristics,interests,hobbies and so on to design their expectations,and let their children accurately perceive and understand their expectations.Second,To improve the level of teachers' expectations perception of middle school stude nts,In the daily work,teachers have more interaction with students,understand students,listen to st udents' minds,and let students understand teachers' expectations correctly.Third,to form a reasonable achievement goal orientation of middle school students,parent s and teachers should consciously cultivate students' mastery-approach goal,and teach students to face up to the test results,learn to summarize,timely guide from many aspects,to avoid the for mation of students avoidance goal orientation.Fourth,to promote the development of middle school students' academic possible selves f rom various aspects,pay attention to the mental health of boys and the education in rural areas,pay attention to the phenomenon of the second year of junior high school,and provide better env ironment and conditions for students.
Keywords/Search Tags:Acadamic possible selves, Perception of parents' academic expectations, Perception of teachers' expectations, Achievement goal orientation, Middle school student
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