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Based On The Chemical Subject Core Literacy Of High School Chemistry Teaching Practice Research

Posted on:2021-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q C MoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As an important part of the development of students' core qualities,chemistry core qualities can help students to develop comprehensive qualities and key abilities to adapt to personal and social development.However,the students' discipline accomplishment will not be formed in the air.It needs teachers to take knowledge as the carrier and activities as the way to permeate and cultivate in the long-term teaching process.This paper,by consulting many relevant literatures,tries to understand the connotation of the core accomplishment of chemistry,and gives the definition of relevant concepts.Based on the investigation of high school students' chemistry learning,the content characteristics of the textbook "Organic Compounds" and relevant content requirements of the curriculum standard of the 2017 edition are analyzed.Based on the theories of humanism and constructivism,and from the perspective of developing students' core qualities in chemistry,relevant teaching strategies are put forward,and the teaching design and practice are carried out in combination with the contents of Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 of the compulsory chemistry course in senior high school published by People's Education Press.At the end of the teaching practice,relevant examination questions,questionnaires and interviews were conducted,and SPSS21.0 data analysis system and Excel software were used for independent sample T-test and statistical analysis.The results show that the teaching strategies and relevant teaching designs proposed in this paper have enhanced students' interest in chemistry learning,enhanced students' classroom enthusiasm,participation and ability,contributed to the improvement of students' comprehensive thinking ability,and contributed to the cultivation of students' core accomplishment in chemistry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chemical subject core literacy, Organic compound, Teaching design, Teaching strategy
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