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Research On The Governance Path Of Current State-owned Enterprise Corruption

Posted on:2019-03-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2436330548472655Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the growing development and improvement of our socialist economy,People’s material and spiritual living standards have been greatly promoted,in the meanwhile,the level of economic has brought some negative impacts,corruption problems gradually emerge in the public eye,and intensified.The public interest is the necessary reason and basis for the existence of the legitimacy and legitimacy of the state,and the distribution of public interests is a devastating disaster for the state and the political party.When it comes to corruption,it seems that government corrupt can cause more public resentment,and the corruption of state-owned enterprises is often overshadowed by the special form of administrative and economic coexistence.Many people believe that government which has the resources public power is the only way to implement the main body of corruption,but we should not ignore that many state-owned enterprise executives with public power is also a kind of strong concealment of the corrupted body.The state-owned enterprises are different from the "big tiger" in the government agencies,it sets the administrative power and economic power at a suit,but it is the tension between the dual power and thrust state-owned enterprises corruption that cast a veil of mystery and legitimacy in the public eye,therefore,the corruption of state-owned enterprises is hard to become the focus of sight of the state and the public,and harder to become the regulatory object in the network of legal regulation that the government and citizens weave together.In the academic circles,the research on the corruption of state-owned enterprises is only on the surface and the level of fragmentation,and the lag of theory is more difficult to support the anti-corruption practice.For a long time,the current China’s state-owned enterprises corruption problems have caused lot of attention in the society,from the perspective of the present ways of state-owned enterprises corruption,it not just includes the dominant behaviour of transfer in the state-owned assets and rent-seeking that with the help of the public power,however,investigating its essence,it also includes a form of hidden corruption which involved the uneven distribution of the interests of the state-owned enterprises systemic;From the perspective of the inherent characteristics of state-owned enterprises corruption,it not only includes the notion of blindly pursue selfish interests of corruption,cronyism,corruption of choose and employ persons,but it also includes the power corruption of graft,dislocation of the efficiency and the compensation,etc.No matter what type of the state-owned enterprises corruption,the root cause lies in the abuse of public power that state-owned enterprises owned in the process of operation.The abuse of the public power of state-owned enterprises is based on the external form of free marketdistribution,so that the rent-seeking and high salary based on the public power show the characteristics of marketization allocation.To solve the problem of corruption in state-owned enterprises,only in this way that make the theory first and practice follows,Based on the basic concept definition and function definition of state-owned enterprise corruption,the paper expounds the forms and characteristics of corruption in the process of state-owned enterprises operation.From the aspects of the public nature of state-owned enterprises,public power of state-owned enterprises,national governance and social supervision,we analyze the reasons of the corruption of state-owned enterprises,we regard state-owned enterprises,governments,and citizens as the main parts,then we make efforts to overcome the confusion in the duality of state-owned enterprises’ power to establish a governance mechanism for corruption in state-owned enterprises.Only by clarifying the boundary between public and market power in state-owned enterprises,making corresponding institutional responsibilities and distribution arrangements in the top-level design of the operating system of state-owned enterprises,thus we can easily crack such dilemma.
Keywords/Search Tags:state-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprises corruption, the public of state-owned enterprises, national governance, social supervision
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