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Reverse Supply Chain Coordination Research With L Company As The Core

Posted on:2020-12-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L P NieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330578467280Subject:Logistics engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The closed-loop supply chain is an important development direction of the modern supply chain.The closed-loop supply chain includes the forward supply chain and the reverse supply chain.The two are combined and each has its own focus and becomes a whole.The forward supply chain focuses on an agile supply chain with a focus on product quality,yield,and time to reach consumers;the reverse supply chain focuses on a functional supply chain with a focus on loss rate of product recycling,and Minimize the efficiency and cost of classification.With the gradual advancement of big data and smart terminals,the coordination of reverse supply chains has become efficient and feasible.Thereby improving the overall efficiency of the supply chain,improving the recycling rate of resources,reducing the cost of the entire supply chain,enabling enterprises to gradually grow and develop.This paper takes L company’s reverse supply chain as the research object.Under the premise of the related closed-loop supply chain,reverse supply chain and revenue sharing contract,it combines L company’s operating status and reverse supply chain process to find its reverse supply chain.On the basis of in-depth analysis of the problem,combined with the in-depth analysis of the reverse supply chain,using the supply chain revenue sharing contract model,combined with the actual operation status of L company,it analyzes the operation of the supply chain revenue sharing contract and The operation of decentralized decision-making is carried out,and it is concluded that the total return of the reverse supply chain and the return of each node are greater than the benefits of decentralized decision-making under the same situation when L company follows the supply chain revenue sharing contract,and the coordination parameters in the supply chain revenue sharing contract can be in different markets.Under the environment,the company distributes the revenue distribution of each node of the reverse supply chain of L company,and achieves the goal of realizing the coordinated operation of the reverse supply chain of L company in different market environments.At the end of the paper,the specific safeguard measures are introduced from the aspects of recycler protection,recycler guarantee and personnel quality.It is hoped that the coordination of the L public reverse supply chain will be guaranteed by the corresponding system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Closed loop supply chain, Reverse supply chain, Used lead-acid batteries, Supply chain revenue sharing contract model
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