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Research On Closed-loop Supply Chain Super-network Equilibrium Decision Considering Uncertain Demand

Posted on:2020-10-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M P LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330590471932Subject:Logistics engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,the number of waste products is increasing constantly.In order to protect the environment and take the road of sustainable economic development,a closed-loop supply chain came into being.with high market demand uncertainty,closed-loop supply chain network structure become more and more complex.The uncertainty of market demand has a great impact on the various entities of the enterprise,which is related to the interests of various enterprises and consumers,and also is related to the equilibrium state of the supply chain network system.As people’s living standards continue to improve,consumers’ pursuit of product individualization and diversification is getting higher and higher,market demand is becoming more and more complicated.In addition,Product replacement cycle is gradually shortened,It is getting harder and harder to control market demand changes.Market demand is disturbed constantly,the normal operation of the closed-loop supply chain under serious threat.Therefore,it is very important to study the influence of demand uncertainty on the equilibrium state of closed-loop supply chain network.The research contents of this paper are as follows:Firstly,using the super-network theory,a closed-loop supply chain network equilibrium model with demand determination is established.the model is consisited of multiple suppliers,multiple manufacturers,multiple retailers and multiple demand markets,individual interests of the four layers are inconsistent.Each of them pursues profit maximization,which constitutes a four-layer complex and inter-crossing hyper-network model.Secondly,according to a series of assumptions based on reality and uncertain demand,on the basis of the first network model,the network equilibrium model of closed-loop supply chain with uncertain demand is established.When the demand is uncertain,the demand function of the enterprise will change,which will affect the transaction volume of each layer.There may be situations of out of stock or excessive inventory,which will affect the interests of each layer.Based on this,the influence of unit out-of-stock cost and demand function on the decision-making of closed-loop supply chain is discussed.Firstly,we analyze the behaviors and goals of decision-making at the various levels of suppliers,manufacturers,retailers and demand markets in the deterministic and uncertain situations separately,and transform these two multi-level super-network balance models into optimization problems.For each layer of network,there are optimization methods under their own constraints,but the layers must be coordinated.In this paper,the variational inequality is used to solve the coordination problem between layers,and the iterative projection gradient algorithm is used to solve the problem.The solution obtained is equivalent to the solution of the variational inequality,and is equivalent to the equilibrium solution of the closed-loop supply chain network model with deterministic and uncertainties,respectively.The simulation example analysis of the closed-loop supply chain with demand determination and demand uncertainty is carried out,and the experimental results of the two are compared and analyzed.It is found that the different degrees of demand uncertainty have an important impact on the equilibrium of the supply chain,depending on the price decline rate related to the demand function.It is also found that in the case of uncertain demand,the unit out-of-stock cost is positively correlated with the order quantity and retail price.Finally,the closed-loop supply chain super-network equilibrium model with advertising effect under uncertainty is established,which increases the analysis of the investment input and demand fluctuation factors for each decision-making variable,discusses the impact on the supply chain efficiency,extending research on the above requirements and uncertain demand.Advertising investment can stimulate product sales,reduce consumer search costs and uncertainty,and have an important impact on the profit distribution of closed-loop supply chain members,demand fluctuation factor is to quantify demand uncertainty,and to refine the uncertainty of demand.Also using the super network model,the variational inequality is used to obtain the equilibrium condition,and the improved projection gradient algorithm is used to analyze the influence of advertising input and demand fluctuation factors on the network equilibrium solution.The example demonstrates that the overall profit of the closed-loop supply chain is positive with the optimal advertising effect.but negatively correlated with the price sensitivity;the transaction volume between the retailer and the manufacturer is negatively correlated with the demand fluctuation,and the retail price is positively correlated with the demand fluctuation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Closed-loop supply chain, Uncertain demand, Advertising investment, Variational inequality, Super network equalization
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