China’s fresh market still has huge consumption potential,but online e-commerce enterprises have been deficit due to imperfect cold chain technology,supply chain system and other reasons.On the other hand,there are some problems in traditional retail channels,such as information asymmetry between supply and demand,unobstructed trading channels and so on.In recent years,there has always been no market for fresh products.Therefore,the dual-channel model of traditional retail channel and online direct marketing channel has become an important mode of enterprise development.Online e-commerce channel in business operation can be fresh e-commerce,community e-commerce,micro-commerce and other modes,in essence,it is still a direct e-commerce channel.Therefore,the online direct marketing channel in this article refers specifically to the direct marketing e-commerce channel.With the arrival of the era of comprehensive well-off in 2020,fresh as a high-frequency rigid needed product,fresh quality is an important factor affecting the purchase,price is no longer the only measure of purchase.However,the cost of cold chain preservation is high in China.Whether enterprises invest in preservation to provide fresh products for customers is a very important issue.At present,most of the research on the dual-channel of fresh products regards preservation as a factor affecting decision-making,but not as a variable that enterprises need to make decisions.This is different from commercial practice,so this will be the focus of this paper.According to the different choices of the members of the supply chain for the fresh-keeping investment,this paper establishes four kinds of fresh-keeping modes: mode a(supplier does not keep fresh,retailer does not keep fresh),mode b(supplier does not keep fresh,retailer does not keep fresh),mode c(supplier does not keep fresh,retailer does not keep fresh),mode d(supplier keeps fresh,retailer keeps fresh).The research shows that whether fresh product suppliers invest in preservation efforts will directly affect the formulation of direct selling price and retail price.Fresh product retailers invest in preservation efforts will not affect the formulation of direct selling price,but will affect the formulation of retail price.Secondly,customer online channel preference has a positive impact on direct selling price,a negative impact on retail price and no impact on wholesale price.Freshness of fresh products has a positive effect on direct selling price,retail price,wholesale price and retailer’s optimal profit.In addition,the impact of potential customers on corporate profits is positive.Case study shows that retailers should be actively encouraged to keep fresh if the supplier does not keep fresh,and reasonable strategies should be formulated when the supplier invests in keeping fresh to maximize profits.If the supplier keeps fresh,the retailer should reduce the cost of keeping fresh as much as possible.At this time,the supplier will increase the wholesale price.The retailer should persuade the supplier not to invest too much in keeping fresh,or negotiate with the supplier not to increase the wholesale price.Retailers can reduce the cost of preservation by reducing the investment in preservation efforts when the freshness of unprotected products reaches customers is not very low.On this basis,the level of freshness effort is taken as a decision variable.Considering that customers have channel preference and freshness preference,customers are divided into high freshness preference customers and low freshness preference customers.This paper studies how to formulate price and fresh-keeping strategies to maximize benefits when enterprises invest in fresh-keeping efforts to meet customers’ freshness preferences.The research shows that fresh product suppliers and retailers invest in the level of freshness preservation efforts and customer channel preference has a direct impact.When a channel is in a weak position,the enterprise in which the channel is located will increase its fresh-keeping investment level in order to attract more customers.Customer freshness preference is conducive to supplier wholesale pricing.In addition,(1)?-?of the passage reflects the difference of customers’ preferences for channels.In addition,the size of the passage reflects the difference of customers’ preferences for channels.Retailers are at a disadvantage in pricing when there is a big difference in customer preferences between channels.If the difference of customer preferences between channels is small,it is beneficial to both retailers and suppliers.At this time,customers get better prices and product quality in both channels.The study reveals that enterprises will segment customers to meet more accurate service needs,and customer psychological perceived value will be higher.Therefore,considering customer channel preference and freshness preference,enterprises can make pricing and freshness strategies more advantageous. |