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Research On The Pricing Strategies Of Dual-recovery Closed-loop Supply Chains Dominated By Dual-channels Retailers

Posted on:2020-01-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330620962460Subject:Logistics management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of e-commerce and recycling economy,the closed-loop supply chain model using the dual-channel retail of physical channel and online channel has become a new trend in the enterprise,which can exploit advantages of both channels to the full and improve demand responsiveness of retailers.If there are consumers’ free-riding behavior and “Internet+” recycling in this model,the profit game based on positive-going sales between manufacturers and retailers and channel conflicts caused by the reverse recycling will be intensified,which leads to the supply chain management becoming more complex.It is of great theoretical and practical significance to study profit game problems caused by the dual-channel retail and recycling channels selection issues caused by dual-channel recycle in the closed-loop supply chain with consumers’ free-riding behavior.A two-level closed-loop supply chain model consisting of a single manufacturer and a single dual-channel retailer was built for the mobile phone in this paper.Three decentralized decision models,the entity channel and the network channel successively and simultaneously decision-making models,and an integrated decision model of retailers’ dual channels were analyzed by using Stackelberg method to confirm the optimal sales pricing strategy.On this basis,two dual-channel recycling models were compared to confirm the optimal recycling mode,which were manufacturers online recycling with retailers offline recycling and retailers online recycling with offline recycling.Problems about using the two-part pricing contract to realize interest coordination under decentralized decision were discussed,along with using the strategy of “experience stores+ online sales” to conduct product sales under centralized decision.(1)Considering effects of consumers’ free-rider behavior,three decentralized decision models,the entity channel and the network channel successively and simultaneously decision-making models,and an integrated decision model of retailers’ dual channels were established.Though comparing with optimal pricing’ and profits’ equilibrium solutions of these four game models,it was found that two channels’ sequential decision model is superior to the simultaneous decision model when retailers’ dual channels operate dispersedly,and that the pre-sales service level,pricing and profit of channels are all higher than the other three models under decentralized decision when retailers’ dual channels operate jointly.Then,influences of relevant parameters on the model’s decision indexes and profit were analyzed.(2)Combined with the model of retailers’ dual channels making integrated decision,optimal equilibrium solutions of two dual-channel recycling pricing models were analyzed and compared,which were manufacturers online recycling with retailers offline recycling and retailers online recycling with offline recycling.It was found that the model of manufacturers online recycling with retailers offline recycling waste mobile phones is the optimal dual-channel recycle model.Then,influences of relevant parameters on the model’s sales decision indexes and recovery decision indexes were analyzed.(3)Aiming at the supply chain model of retailers’ dual channels making integrated decision and manufacturers online recycling along with retailers offline recycling waste mobile phones,problems were discussed about using the two-part pricing contract to realize the interest coordination under decentralized decision and using the strategy of “experience stores+ online sales” to conduct product sales under centralized decision.It was found that profits of manufacturers and retailers after coordination are all greater than the profit under decentralized decision through adjusting reasonably parameters values of the contract,and that when the potential market scale is small,dual-channel retailers using the strategy of “experience store+ online sales” can earn more revenue;on the contrary,retailers using double-channel sales make more profit.The innovations are expanding a single recycling channels to double recycling channels.Considering effects of consumers’ free-rider behavior on retailers’ dual channels,pricing models of dual-channel recycling closed-loop supply chains dominated by dual-channel retailers were studied,and the optimal sales pricing strategy used by retailers’ dual channels and the optimal dual-recovery mode of "Internet +" closed-loop supply chain were proposed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Free-riding behavior, Dual-channel retailer, Closed-loop supply chain, Dual-channel recycling model, Two-part pricing contract
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