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Emotional Quotient Of Leadership Effect On Employees' Voice?

Posted on:2020-05-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q G ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330623958460Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the international background of frequent economic fluctuations,the business environment of enterprises is unstable and they are facing the challenges of multiple development trends,such as social changes,technological innovation and strict government supervision.In order to cope with multiple uncertainties in the future,enterprises need to strengthen their own management,mobilize the enthusiasm of members of the organization,gather the wisdom of all employees to face change and promote change,in order to maintain and enhance the adaptability,scientific research and vitality of enterprises.How to discover employees' intelligence and make them work together to improve enterprise management has become a research proposition.The author believes that employees are in the front line in their work.Whether it is for organizational change and process improvement or for influencing work progress and organizational development,employees have more say in problems and future opportunities.Therefore,whether their subjective consciousness has corresponding disclosure has become the key point.It is found that employee voice behavior is of great significance to team and organizational development,that is,employees will reflect the above problems or opportunities to their superiors or colleagues,so that the organization can find problems earlier.But after the superiors understand and recognize,how to guide employees to produce more voice behavior has formed a game between the two.Emotional intelligence(EQ)is a kind of social intelligence that can effectively understand and deal with interpersonal relationships.However,in order to better describe this game relationship,we must first clarify the mechanism of voice behavior.Although the existing scholars' research has gradually extended to cross-level research,they are more inclined to regard leadership type as the most influential factor,still less to look at this problem from the perspective of leadership emotional intelligence,and have not clarified the most recent factors affecting voice behavior.At the same time,almost no research has explored the mechanism of voice behavior from the perspective of planned behavior theory.In order to make up for the deficiencies of existing research,this paper attempts to explore how leadership EQ affects team members' voice behavior and the critical conditions of its occurrence mechanism.Because of the high sense of power distance in the local context of China,in order to avoid the situation of overstepping the level of voice when analyzing the voice behavior of organizational members,this paper chooses the team of cross-level directleadership and subordinate employees as the research object.Emotional intelligence and voice behavior are both hot issues in organizational behavior research,but few studies have linked them.Therefore,this paper explores the relationship between emotional intelligence and voice behavior on the basis of theory: based on the three dimensions of behavioral attitude,subjective norms and perceived behavioral control in the theory of planned behavior,it studies how leader EQ predicts employee voice behavior;based on the theory of social information processing,it explains the role of psychological security in this process,and puts forward that psychological security is a mediating change.Quantitative hypothesis,leadership emotional intelligence through this path,ultimately affect voice behavior.In addition,based on the role identity theory,this paper explores the critical conditions of its occurrence mechanism and explains the moderating role of voice role perception in it.This study sent and received questionnaires through field research.All the questionnaires involved were based on the original scale published in international journals,and 382 valid questionnaires were collected,including 56 matched leadership questionnaires and 326 employee questionnaires.During the period,SPSS22.0 and AMOS17.0 were used as analysis tools to process the data,such as reliability test,discrimination validity test,homology test.Deviation analysis,confirmatory factor analysis,data aggregation test,descriptive statistical analysis,correlation test,hypothesis test and cross-layer hypothesis test were used to verify 11 hypotheses in this study.The results of empirical studies indicate that:(1)Leadership emotional intelligence has prominent positive effect on employees' promotive voice;leadership emotional intelligence has no significant positive effect on prohibitive voice.(2)Leadership emotional intelligence has a significant positive impact on Employees' psychological security;employees' psychological security has a significant positive impact on promotive voice;employees' psychological security has a significant positive impact on prohibitive voice;psychological security plays an incomplete mediating role between leadership emotional intelligence and employee promotive voice;psychological security plays a mediating role between leadership emotional intelligence and employee's prohibitive voice.(3)Voice role perception moderates the relationship between employee psychologicalsecurity and employee promotive voice;voice role perception moderates the relationship between employee's psychological security and employee's prohibitive voice.(4)Voice role perception does not moderates the indirect effect of leader's emotional intelligence on promoting voice through employee's psychological security;voice role perception moderates the indirect role of leadership emotional intelligence in prohibitive voice through employee psychological security.
Keywords/Search Tags:emotional intelligence, psychological security, voice role perception, promotive voice, prohibitive voice
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