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Emotional arousal and information processing: Examining transient and learning-related changes in perceptual sensitivity

Posted on:2007-05-03Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Klug, ArinFull Text:PDF
The notion that information processing is enhanced under conditions of emotional arousal has been studied extensively through tests of recollection for memories of arousing events. However, a growing body of research also suggests that perception itself may be augmented when one is in a state of arousal. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that emotional arousal, induced through the presentation of arousing images, would improve performance in a motion perception task on either a transient, trial-by-trial basis or chronically, through a paired-associate perceptual learning paradigm. Although subjective intensity ratings, memory tests, and electrodermal responses confirmed that arousing stimuli were indeed perceived as distinct from the neutral stimuli, no motion perception advantage was observed for displays that followed, or were associated with, arousing stimuli. Nevertheless, interesting observations with respect to the influence of general arousal on perceptual learning in low-coherence displays provide incentive for future research on this topic.
Keywords/Search Tags:Arousal, Perceptual
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