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'Halfway between somewhere and nothing': A exploration of the quarter-life crisis and life satisfaction among graduate students

Posted on:2011-03-17Degree:M.EdType:Thesis
University:University of ArkansasCandidate:Black, Allison SFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was to explore perceived factors contributing to the quarter-life crisis in graduate students. The study was designed to identify common stressors for graduate students during this life period, emotional responses to during the quarter-life crisis, life satisfaction, programs and services perceived to prepare individuals for life after undergraduate education, and program and services to support graduate students. The significance of this study rested in its attempt to expand literature on this life period and determine implications for higher education practice from a developmental standpoint.;The results of the study indicated that factors contributing to the quarter-life crisis included changing relationships, work and finances, academic stressors, and identity development, academic stressors. Emotional responses were varied, including both positive and negative emotions as participants reflected on their current life and future. The mean score on the Satisfaction with Life Scale indicated average life satisfaction among participants, which individual scores ranging from Disappointed to Very High. Statistical analysis by variable indicated a significant difference between means for gender and relationship status, but a weak practical significance due to the small sample size. Perceived programs and services to prepare undergraduates for life after graduation included positive relationships with faculty, academic preparation emphasizing writing, research, and experiential learning, and life skills education. Programs and services perceived to support graduate students during the quarter-life period included faculty support and mentoring, institutional support, and socialization and community-building.
Keywords/Search Tags:Life, Graduate students, Perceived, Support
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