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Selection and Uses of Internet News and Implications for Collective Action and Political Participation: The Contingent Roles of Social Identity and Efficacy

Posted on:2013-05-15Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)Candidate:Chan, Che MingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2456390008478283Subject:Mass Communications
Applying an interdisciplinary and integrative theoretical perspective and framework, this thesis is concerned with the role of Internet news on collective action and political participation, and the important moderating role of certain psychological antecedents on the relationship. The literature shows that identification with a group (social identity) and the feeling that one could make a substantive difference (political efficacy) are two important predictors of such actions (termed "intergroup participatory actions" in this thesis). However, the processes that link the antecedents of participatory behaviors to media use and then to actual participation have been neglected. Such an examination is important in the digital age where the Internet provides citizens a media environment where access to information about politics and social causes is easy, cheap and abundant.;Two views of the impact of Internet are prevalent in the literature. The "instrumental" view argues that Internet use has a direct effect on political participation and typically emphasizes the reduced costs and the relative "informational richness" associated with Internet news use (Hypothesis 1). The "psychological" view argues that the effects of the Internet depend to an extent on individual's preexisting psychological dispositions. It is further hypothesized that two dimensions of political efficacy are important antecedents of participatory actions: 'individual efficacy' and 'collective efficacy'.;The thesis argues that individuals' willingness to participate in a collective action and participate in politics depends on high levels of social identity and political efficacy, which can be heightened by exposure to Internet news because individuals are likely to consume media content that reinforces their existing attitudes and opinions (as put forward by Selective Exposure Theory) and reinforces their psychological need to feel like a member of a social group (as put forward by Uses and Gratifications Theory). Conceptually, this means that individual efficacy (Hypothesis 2), collective efficacy (Hypothesis 3), and social identity (Hypothesis 4) will accentuate the effects of Internet news use on intergroup participatory actions. Moreover, social identity gratifications will accentuate the effects of social identity on intergroup participatory actions (Hypothesis 5).;Secondary data analyses of national data in the United States and Hong Kong provide initial support for the hypotheses. Moreover, an embedded quasi-experiment provides support for the validity of 'individual efficacy' as a unique dimension of political efficacy. Subsequent exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses also showed that both individual and collective efficacy to be unique dimensions of political efficacy, along with internal and external efficacy.;Regression analyses using two Hong Kong and two American samples collected a year apart test the hypotheses for a variety of participatory behaviors, including voting intention, protest intention, issue participation and civic participation. In general, the findings were supportive of the 'instrumental' view of Internet effects (H1) and the 'psychological view' with respect to collective efficacy (H3). There was less evidence for the effects of individual efficacy (H2) and social identity (H4). All significant interactions for social identity gratifications (H5) were in the opposite direction as hypothesized.;Implications of these findings are discussed and suggestions for further research are specified.
Keywords/Search Tags:Internet news, Social identity, Efficacy, Political, Collective action, Intergroup participatory actions
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