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Application of computer-based technology to the teaching of writing in Spanish as a foreign language: A case study

Posted on:2001-04-11Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:West Virginia UniversityCandidate:Gago, NuriaFull Text:PDF
Computers are becoming more and more important in today's world. They are part of every sector of our society, including education. Most of the studies done so far on computer integration with educational purposes focus on the classification, and incorporation, from a theoretical point of view, of Computer Mediated Communication in the class. Unfortunately, very little empirical research has been done concerning the students' perspectives and reactions when introduced to the use of multimedia technology in the classroom. The present project was started in an effort to analyze and observer the reactions of a group of learners when exposed, in their Spanish as a foreign language class, to this sort of technology. Since the researcher was concerned with the participants' opinions, qualitative research approach seemed to be most suitable.
Keywords/Search Tags:Technology
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