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English language arts and media education: Making links

Posted on:2000-06-21Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Brandeis, JudyFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study is to advance existing Media Education theory by looking at similarities in English Language Arts (ELA) theory and Media Education theory. The study explores similarities and differences between the two areas of study creating a broader understanding of literacy, English Language Arts, Media Education and pedagogy.; In order to clarify the co-relation between English Language Arts theory and Media Education theory, I interviewed experts in both fields to shed light on how these two areas of study complement one another and where the points of difference lie. The information points to the development in theory and opportunities for research that may help teachers in training and classroom teachers integrate Media Education and ELA education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Media education, English language
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