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Integrated agricultural communication at the University of Guelph: An innovative approach to skill development

Posted on:2002-10-31Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Guelph (Canada)Candidate:Roberts, Owen ArthurFull Text:PDF
This study focusses on skill development by students engaged in agricultural communication activity at the University of Guelph. The University of Guelph has put more emphasis on agricultural communication education than any other Canadian post-secondary institution; namely, in an agricultural communication initiative involving two academic courses and one non-academic research-writing program. However, no collective assessment of student participants' experiences had ever been attempted. In July, 2000, alumni and former participants were surveyed. The results showed 100 per cent of the respondents acquired specific communication skills, and 85 per cent said they were applying their skills on the job. More than 96 per cent said they would recommend agricultural communication courses to others.
Keywords/Search Tags:Agricultural communication, Skill development, University, Guelph, Per cent said, Education
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