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Examining the social and economic benefits of education as an instrument for economic growth

Posted on:2015-10-20Degree:M.A.L.SType:Thesis
University:Dartmouth CollegeCandidate:Ramirez, RodrigoFull Text:PDF
In order to better understand the positive social and economic effects of increased education from a more global perspective, an interdisciplinary approach is necessary. To date, most research has focused on single aspects of the effects of Education, such as attainment, pedagogy, economic benefits to individuals, etc. This thesis combines the existing research on the social returns on investment in education from a variety of disciplines. Using an interdisciplinary approach, this thesis explains the idea that type of system of education, educational focus, and allocation of resources are crucial factors that determine the actualized economic and social benefits of education. The cases of Finland, Mexico, and the United States are examined in order to explore how the differences in their pedagogical approaches and educational system structures affect both educational attainment (as measured by international tests such as the Programme for International Student Assessment and PISA and Trends in International Mathematics & Science Study) and the economic growth and development of these countries.
Keywords/Search Tags:Economic, Education, Social, Benefits
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