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How Does Population Mobility Affect The Growth Of Total Factor Productivity?

Posted on:2022-06-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C QianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2507306488468554Subject:Regional Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Total factor productivity(TFP)is the core driving force for economy growth,especially in recent years because of the marginal declining of capital,reaching of Lewis turning point and the economic restructuring.Population mobility is a is a comprehensive social and economic phenomenon.As economy opening,the scale of China’s floating population is also growing,and the process and result of population moving affect some economic variables in different areas.It’s helpful for economy growth to find out the relationship between Population Mobility and Total Factor Productivity,and this paper is an exploration for the question.The research content of this paper includes the following parts:First,the paper measures and calculates the data of net floating population and TFP change.The result shows that the scale of floating population has been expanding since entering the 21 st century,most of them moving from the central and western regions to the eastern regions and less populated border areas.After 2010,the relative scale of net provincial floating population began to stabilize and fall slightly.During the same period,China’s TFP growth rate showed a "U" shaped trend of first declining and then rising,with the bottom in2010,and the growth rate of TFP in population inflow areas was significantly faster than that in population outflow areas.Second,the paper analyses how population mobility changes TFP growth and derives the outcome of its influence.This paper proposes that population mobility will affect the growth of TFP through three paths: market expansion,population structure change and factor allocation optimization,and puts forward 8 inferences based on the analysis results.Third,the distribution method is used to verify the inference in this paper.The results show there is a high positive correlation between the relative scale of net floating population and the growth rate of TFP.Population inflow can expand the market scale to promote the growth of TFP,and the promotion effect is marginal increasing.Population mobility makes the difference of population age structure between regions,so that the growth rate of TFP between the inflow and outflow areas of population.Population flow can promote the inter departmental efficiency of factor allocation,thus promoting the output efficiency for both inflow and outflow areas,but the effect on factor ratio differentiates the factor production efficiency among regions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Population mobility, Total factor productivity, population structure, Market size, Factor allocation
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