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The Application Of Augmented Reality Technology In The Virtual Display Of Historical Relics In Shanxi Province

Posted on:2019-10-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K KongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330566467724Subject:Industrial design engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The topic of this paper is to study the issues of Shaanxi's historical relics in the virtual display.Taking the digital virtual display of Daming Palace as an example,this paper explores the application methods of traditional cultural content through augmented reality.Through research,we have formed a selection of interactive experiences based on specific historical and cultural content,summed up implementation methods and rules,strengthened the audience's experience during visits,and encouraged tourists to return.This paper adopts field research,literature research,case analysis and experimental verification.It first explores augmented reality technology itself,and then extends to the augmented reality application in virtual display,and analyzes the characteristics of augmented reality display.Afterwards,through the research on the status quo of Shaanxi historical relics and the survey of existing exhibitions,the author analyzed the unique advantages of augmented reality display applied to the display of Shaanxi historical relics.Through on-the-spot investigations and literature case studies,the development and design rules for augmented reality display projects are summarized;The project takes the Darning Palace in Tang Dynasty as an example to conduct the production of the augmented reality display project,and verifies the development and design rules of the project summarized by the author through the actual project development.Practice shows that the design methods and rules discussed in the topic are feasible.Finally,based on the research and practical process of the subject,the limitations of the project for technical reasons are analyzed,and the future is forecasted.The focus of this paper lies in the selection of virtual display content and the combination of interaction methods based on existing technologies and display subjects.This is the main innovation point of this paper.The author hopes that through the study of this topic,it can have certain referential meaning for the augmented reality display project of related museums.Through the outstanding augmented reality display cases in historical and cultural category,visitors'understanding of history and culture will be enhanced,cultural heritage and the development of cultural industries will be promoted.
Keywords/Search Tags:Augmented reality, virtual display, Daming Palace
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