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The Examination And Research Of Scientific Reasoning Ability In Physics Of National College Entrance Examination

Posted on:2022-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306734453364Subject:Master of Education
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In this study,the characteristics of scientific reasoning ability of the national college entrance examination in recent four years were statistically analyzed by constructing the analytical framework of scientific reasoning test questions.Research 1: The construction of the analytical framework of the physical science reasoning test in the College Entrance ExaminationThe content of test item analysis framework includes the criterion of scientific reasoning test item and the dimension of test item analysis.The criterion of scientific reasoning: inductive reasoning or deductive reasoning is used in the process of solving problems,including various reasoning forms derived based on scientific cognition.The dimensions of the analysis framework of the test questions include the way of answer,the way of presentation,the topic of the situation and the form of reasoning.Research 2: Statistical analysis of the physical science reasoning ability test of college Entrance examinationFirstly,according to the criteria of scientific reasoning questions proposed in study 1,the questions are evaluated and screened to determine the questions of scientific reasoning ability.Secondly,the test questions are coded according to the framework of scientific reasoning analysis,and the information of test papers,question numbers and coding results is counted.Finally,the characteristics of scientific reasoning are examined according to the analysis framework.The conclusions of this study are as follows:(1)From the overall description of the scientific reasoning questions,the scientific reasoning questions accounted for 93.3% of the physical questions in the sample papers.According to the distribution of question types,multiple choice questions occupy the highest proportion,followed by calculation questions and experimental questions,but there is little difference in the proportion of different question types.(2)From the point of view of the way of answering the questions,the choice of the way of answering the questions accounted for the largest proportion,followed by short answer questions and fill-in-the-blank questions,and graph questions accounted for a very small proportion.This proportion is greatly influenced by the distribution of question types.(3)From the presentation mode of the test questions,the distribution of the presentation mode of each test question is not very balanced,among which the proportion of images is large,and the proportion of tables is small.The combination of text description and image is the main presentation method in scientific reasoning tests.(4)From the perspective of contextual topics,the data shows that the distribution of contextual topics in scientific reasoning questions is not balanced.(5)From the point of view of the scientific reasoning form of the examination,the proportion of deductive reasoning of the formal logic of the examination reached two-thirds,and the examination of various reasoning forms based on the scientific cognition was less and unbalanced.According to the above research conclusions and discussions,there are two enlightenments for teaching practice and test assignment system: updating teaching ideas and methods,paying attention to the development of scientific reasoning process and scientific reasoning ability;Pay attention to process evaluation,pay attention to the examination of various abilities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Scientific Reasoning, College Entrance Examination Physics Questions, Examination Research
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