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Research On The Connection Between Ideological And Political "Small Classroom" And Social "Big Classroom"

Posted on:2022-12-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306758993409Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ideological and political classroom,which is commonly referred to as classroom teaching,is the main channel of higher education and the most common form of teaching organization.The big social classroom is not only the social life outside the small classroom,but also an indispensable channel for colleges and universities to establish morality and cultivate people.The author sees that there are still some deviations in the current large classroom teaching,such as weak effectiveness and formality.This paper expounds that the correlation between small classroom and large classroom is not high enough and the connection is not in place,and discusses the important significance,theoretical support and measures of effectively connecting small classroom and large classroom,and combining the theory of small classroom with the practice of large classroom.We should not only pay attention to the theory of Ideological and political course,but also pay attention to the practice of Ideological and political course.We should enhance the linkage between practical content and classroom theory,enhance the consistency between teaching content and students’ psychology,improve the effectiveness of the connection between practical content and classroom theory,and pay attention to the positive role of teaching content and methods in promoting students’ physical and mental health.Through the school,the professional knowledge of the small classroom is taught to students,and then the large classroom is used to integrate knowledge and practice.The large classroom and the small classroom have their own emphasis.The two are effectively connected,give full play to their own strengths,use each other to avoid deficiencies,and unify the two classrooms into the practical teaching of cultivating socialist successors,so as to help students adapt to the social environment quickly after graduation,Achieve the objectives and requirements of Ideological and political curriculum reform.This is the internal requirement of following the law of Ideological and political work,the law of teaching and educating people and the law of students’ growth.It is a profound summary of the historical experience of the construction of Ideological and political course.It is the practical need to further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of Ideological and political course teaching.It is not only an educational exploration in theory,but also its results can provide ideas and references for ideological and political classroom education in Colleges and universities.This paper consists of five chapters.The first chapter is the introduction,which describes the background,significance,research status at home and abroad,research ideas and methods,as well as research innovations and deficiencies.The second chapter is the significance of classroom cohesion.The third chapter is the principle of classroom cohesion.It focuses on the relevant principles of theoretical guidance and practical operation,persuading people with emotion and reason,experience summary and ideological sublimation.The fourth chapter is the dilemma of classroom cohesion.According to the current situation of the development of Ideological and political education in China,we believe that there are three problems in the ideological and Political Classroom: the disconnection between the content of theoretical curriculum and practical activities,the separation of purpose and the imbalance of proportion.The fifth chapter is the connecting path of large and small classes.In view of the current dilemma of the connection between large and small ideological and political classes,the author takes ideological and political teachers,schools and society as the main body,and discusses more possibilities of the unity of knowledge and practice of Ideological and political education from multiple angles by improving teachers’ ability level,eliminating the ideological and behavioral gap and seeking social support.
Keywords/Search Tags:small classroom, large classroom, connection, ideological and Political Education
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