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Research On Community Work Intervention Of Residents’ Social Adaptation In Inhospitable Poverty Removal Area

Posted on:2023-09-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2557307070467414Subject:Social work
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the implementation of the policy of poverty alleviation in inhospitable areas and the completion of the relocation of the local population,the relocation residents are faced with environmental changes and a series of adaptive problems,which affect the new life of residents in the resettlement areas.At present,the academic circle has carried out enthusiastic research on the social adaptation of residents in inhospitable relocation areas,but at present,there is little intervention by community work practice from the perspective of social work.In order to solve the problem of social adaptation of relocated residents,improve their social adaptation ability,and promote their sustainable development,this study defined the needs of relocated residents on the basis of a systematic study of their social adaptation,and carried out a concrete practical intervention study.Taking the L Resettlement Area in Huayuan County,Xiangxi Prefecture,Hunan Province as the research site,the semi-structured interview method and the participatory observation method were used to deeply understand the social adaptation status of the relocated residents in the L resettlement area,and found that the residents of the L resettlement area had difficulties in livelihood security,lacked development confidence,reduced living space,single leisure activities,narrow communication scope,weak social support network,low community identity,and lack of psychological belonging.In the analysis of meso and macro level,the practical intervention of residents in community work in the resettlement area was carried out under the guidance of theory and regional development model in response to problems and needs.The study affirms the role of community work service effect through summary and evaluation,and believes that multi-system cooperation between the government and resettlement areas can effectively solve the social adaptation problems of residents,and also hopes that under the leadership of the government,other external systems such as enterprises and social organizations will be introduced to provide support services to promote the improvement of residents’ social adaptability,so that they can truly "live stably and get rich" in the resettlement areas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Relocation area for poverty alleviation in inhospitable areas, Social adaptation, Community work
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