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In-depth Report:"Flower Stick Juggling",Carrying The Aspirations Of Our Ancestors,Passing On The Torch,Nurturing New Neirs With Honor

Posted on:2024-08-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2557307121453084Subject:Journalism and communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Flower stick juggling" was originally a technical juggling of the traditional sports event,with the effects of fitness,brain benefits,and physical and mental pleasure.It can be traced back to 3000 years ago in Shang Dynasty.Today,it has evolved into a traditional ethnic sports event and has gradually joined the ranks of "intangible cultural heritage" projects in some cities.Whereas due to the rapid development of cities and changes in people’s lifestyles,as a witness to historical growth and a way of folk culture inheritance,"flower stick juggling" is featured with high entry-level and the scarcity of skilled inheritors,which resulted in the shrinkage of its existing cultural space and is on the verge of disappearing,especially in southern provinces,where few people know or practice it.In order to bring this precious traditional ethnic sport back to its former glory,over the past few years,Shanghai Chaoyang Middle School in Jing’an District,Shanghai,has steadily promoted the inheritance of traditional ethnic sports on campus.It has been awarded the honors of "Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture into Campus(Flower Stick Juggling)" as a municipal and national base and an "Intangible Cultural Heritage on Campus" demonstration school in Shanghai(2023—2024).It has become one of the models for schools in Shanghai to develop traditional ethnic sports.Based on the background of the inheritance of traditional ethnic sports in schools,this in-depth report focused on the "flower stick juggling" project of Chaoyang Middle School and reported the active involvement of this school in the inheritance and study of the "flower stick juggling".This report intended to explore the significance of the "flower stick juggling" project on campus,the limitations of the inheritance and development of traditional ethnic sports and explore how schools should innovate and inherit traditional ethnic sports well.
Keywords/Search Tags:in-depth report, flower stick juggling, traditional ethnic sports, youth fitness, heritage
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