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Research On Main Technology Of Vegetation Restoration And Rehabilitation In The Limestone Hilly Region Of South Taihang Mountain

Posted on:2008-03-01Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1103360212488712Subject:Forest cultivation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper, taking Hebi suburb in the Limestone Hilly Region of South Taihang Mountain for example, several aspects of main technique of vegetation restoration and rehabilitation (VRR) were studied as follows.Multivariate linear programming was applied and 28 variables were selected, land use configuration in Hebi suburb was optimized. There should be more forest land than agriculture land, timber forest should not be planted. Contrarily, appropriate area economic forest should be cultivated, and fuelwood forest should get the largest area ratio in all of forest categories.Based on yearly vegetative yield, output value, input value and soil erosion modulus of every sort of vegetation type at different site types, using gray situation decision on multiple aims, we quantitatively make out the plan of optimizing vegetation type at every site types in Hebi suburb.Water parameters of several main native tree species and one tree species from abroad were measured. Using water parameters, turgor maintaining capacity in tree species examined were comprehensively appraised. By hierachical clustering, Pistacia chinensis belong to the tree species category with the largest turgor maintaining capacity. The tree species category with the second largest turgor maintaining capacity were Vitex chinensis, Zanthoxylum bumgeanum, Prunus serotina, Flos loniceras and Quercus variabilis. The third tree species category was Ailanthus altissima, while maintaining turgor capacity of Forsythia suspensea was the lowest.We also measured the effects of water and fertilizer coupling on net photosynthesis rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate in tree species examined. Based on these effects and by hierachical clustering, these tree species were divided into four categories: The tree species of category with the largest capacity of integrated drought-resistance and barren-resistant was Forsythia suspensea. Both Zanthoxylum bumgeanum and Ailanthus altissima were belong to the tree species of category with the second largest capacity. The third category tree species included Vitex chinensis and Flos loniceras. While the tree species of category with the lowest capacity of integrated drought-resistance and barren-resistant were Quercus variabilis, Prunus serotina and Pistacia chinensis.Eight tree species—Ailanthus altissima, Quercus variabilis, Pistacia chinensis, Prunus serotina, Zanthoxylum bumgeanum, Flos loniceras, Forsythia suspensea and Vitex chinensis—were sampled and their δ13C values were measured. The results showed that there were significant differences in the foliar δ13C values of these tree species. We categorized these tree species into four categories based on their foliage δ13C values. Those tree species of the category with the largest foliage δ13C values were Pistacia chinensis, Primus serotina and Quercus variabilis. The tree species of the category with the second largest foliage δ13C values was Zanthoxylum bumgeanum. Both Ailanthus altissima and Vitex chinensis were the tree species of the category with second lowest foliage δ13C values. Those tree species of the category with lowest values were Forsythia suspensea and Flos loniceras.The same tree species has different degrees in three eco-physiological indices including turgor maintaining capacity, integrated drought-resistance and barren-resistant capacity and foliage δ13C values. Combining these eco-physiological Indices and soil fertilizer levels of every sorts of site types, using gray situation decision on multiple aims, we quantitatively matched tree species to site types in Hebi suburb.
Keywords/Search Tags:vegetation restoration and rehabilitation, optimization of land use configuration, optimization of vegetation types layout, eco-physiological indices, matching tree species to site types
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