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Study Of The External Environment Of The Contemporary Development Of Chinese Enterprises

Posted on:2003-04-08Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:M H FuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360092470601Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The theme of this dissertation is study on the external environment of enterprises development in contemporary of China. It discusses the tendency to their changes and analyzes the effects on behaviors of enterprises and how do enterprises decides the changes of external environment to evaluate the extent of influence due to the changes of external environment on enterprises themselves through. Analyzing theoretical varied environmental factors which are significant and have great changes in the external environment of the choices of operating enterprises .The dissertation will have a guidable effect on taking the changes of externally common environment into consideration and stipulating scientifically strategic developing directions and targets during the process of enterprises development, will be helpful to learn that great changes are taking place in contemporary China's economic society comprehensively. It is enlightening significance to try to link up the economics and management science.The analytic logic of the dissertation is that great changes are taking place in contemporary of China and the most characteristics are regarding economic construction as the central task, pursuing all-round development and progress of economic society. There are three fundermental factors making influence during this process. Firstly, with the further propulsion of China's economic system reform, market-oriented system with socialist begins to be established and achieves perfection gradually. Secondly, with the extend of reform and open up, the economy of China has combined with economic globalization more closely. Thirdly, with the rapid development of the contemporary science and technology, the stipulating effect for economic development is strengthening with introducing technology and innovating technology to china. The changes of these three fundermental factors make the external environmental changes of enterprises development take on many characteristics, such as complexity, non-linearity and severity Under these circumstances, enterprises for survival and development should concern on themselves, attach the importance of production and pursue profit, but more important, they must pay attention to the changes of external environment to observe the opportunities and challenges and coordinate their own operation behaviors.Enterprises should dispose their own resources properly and try to spend as less as possible to cope with the changes of environment. There are two methods: One is instantaneous strategic method; The other is long-term strategic method, that is to say,enterprises should seize the changes and tendency to external macro environment in order that enterprises' prospective developing directions are correspendent with the trend of environmental changes. The misplay of strategic method can be modified however the misplay of significant strategy is fatal. Therefore, the successful strategy is final and unsuccessful strategy is fatal. In this situation, how to observe and seize the tendency and changes of external environment accurately, seasonablely and effectively and how to evaluate the potential effect on enterprises prospective operation due to these changes are very essential for the enterprises to stipulate accurate developing strategy and to set up reasonable targets and directions of development.If the enterprises are able to resolve two aspects issues above-mentioned smoothly, which can lay a solid foundation for the enterprises to perform their strategic methods scientifically. The previous economics touch a little on this research field, what's more, those researches are more abstract and unsystemic. On the other hand, the researches of management science are more trifling, the efforts that try to make accurate prediction on changes and tendency of environmental factors are not to enough success. Therefore, this dissertation intends to discuss three issues according to the reality of in enterprises development contemporary environments factors which has occurred or occurring trans...
Keywords/Search Tags:Enterprise, External Environment, System Theory, Development Trend, Strategy
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