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Study Of Urban Construction In The Municipal Bond Financing

Posted on:2003-08-08Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:P ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360092966653Subject:World economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Urban construCion is an twortant syInbol to measure a city's modehaahon, akey to increase living standard & life quality as well as a foundation to coordinateregional & national's develOPment, Which proved to be creative and insightful. PerfectinfrastructUre leads to allcient public produCts will promote raPid social progress.ExPerience proves uthan constedon in developed coUntris fuly SUPPorts thisvieWPoint.The arhcle will focus on flye aspects esp. urban consmichon, govemment bond andfUnd accumulahon:ChaPter One mainly exPresses tWo concepts. First is fund accumulation to securebond position in urban consmiction. FUnds, under planed economy mainly rely ongovemment loan, which hinder greatly towards economic and social development Toaccelerate urban develoPment and avoid distorhonal phenomenon of And collectionhave become haPortant means. Second is bond theory analysis and bond marketperformed in China.ChaPter Two emPhasizes bond's posihon and theCtion in urban construction.Research features on overseas' uthan conStrUctlye body & stmefore andchange of local govenunents' exPenditUre & fund aCCUInulation. Therefore eXPeriencegained abroad and analyse regional urban acCUmulation might be considered asbreakthrough of confine to planned economy so as to disPlay advanageous marketoperahon.ChaPter Three exPresses bond accUInulahons' need and feasibility of Urbanconstruction. Four issues concluded: a. objective utilizahon of bond accumlation incity development. b. rmahon pressure on bond acCUmulahon. c. emciency ofresource equiPped and dtherence betWeen bond and econoIinc development. d.relatiOnship betWeen local government's credit and bond distrch in order toreduce risk and increase govenunent credit.Chapter Four reviews overall framework destried for bond mainly on function-oriented, bond variety, investors' sectof, market circulahon and market exchange.Attain twortance towards project selection, distribution scale & structUre and riskcontrol. Pilot may lay a solid foundahon.ChaPter Five reflects bond establislunent and risk preventative should associatewith tax first. Dtherentiate centUral and local right & fmancial princiPle tO secure thegovenunent. Bond performed under market economy will suPPort legislatively bylocal government. Analyse boortance and necessity of bond credit and marketassessment.M as a big develOping country, infastructUre taSk is muh arduOus thandeveloped countries. Bottle neck for construchon fund has hindered not onlypreviously bat also influence social econondc develoPment. As city shares commoncharacterishcs for overall social develoPment, fulld accumulation can't be achievedexeePt fOr market-oriented perfOrmed.MuniciPal bond considered as bond belongs to local gOvend serves anboortant tool for fund acCUInulation in a caPital markt as well as main resource forpublic products in caPital countries. Bond in China today sti1l remains as blank.How to gain bond exPerienee hom deVelOPed country bolement legislative fundacCUInulahon have always been essenhal tO promotC caPital market develoPment,shorten the dtherence betWeen region, maintain sedal stability and SUstainabledevelOPment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Construction
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