The thesis targets the two focused issues existing in project constructionmanagement and construction managemeflt rehabilitation structUre in the course ofcurreflt economy system tYansit stage of the water resources sector Starting fromhistory cun.ent statUs, domestic and overseas project management eXPerience, withcombination of theories of modem management science, the paPer eXPlains theconstruction management system of water resources projects, in particular theexecution plans of project legal person responsibility system; on the basis ofenvironment and mandatory mission analysis of water resources projectconstruction management units, the paPer demonstrates organization smicturedesign and operation management mechanism of consmiction management units.The paPer makes beneficial exploration in respect of driction depchentestablishInent and fOrmation, adaptability and selection of various organizationstructure styles, internal management supervision rules, extemal managementfunction realization and supervision mechanism of constrUction management unitSetc. The whole paPer gradually proceeds from macro-management (systems) tomicro-management, the three primeq lines are emphasized in the paPer namely thetheories of modem management science and current laws, regulations & policies aswell as management practice experience. In fact the three lines are the integratedand indispensable three foundation stones for reforming, eXPloring and researchingwater resources sectoral managemeflt systems. |