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Under The Pressure Of Globalization, National Sovereignty,

Posted on:2005-05-13Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360125467268Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Contemporary globalization is originated from the later 1970s or the early 1980s, which is a vivid phenomenon involving most areas, including economy, politics, law and culture. It is not only an objective truth, but also a method to solve theoretical issues. The challenge of Globalization toward nation state is mainly focused on sovereignty. Sovereign is the soul of a state and the theory of sovereignty is a big issue in the politics. In the context of globalization as a background, the thesis will examine the variety of globalization by reference to the political theory, and from the dimensions of time and space, the author also try to seek for the manipulating logic of sovereign under the pressure of globalization.The dissertation concluded two important arguments:First, it is an inevitable tendency of the weakening of sovereignty under the pressure of globalization but the challenge of globalization is not essential or cardinal toward nation state, sovereignty Sovereignty state is still powerful, which has the capability to maintain its unique role, though it is a hard but instructive task. In light of the time dimension, the weakening of state sovereignty is reflected on the diminishing of sovereignty-sustained institutions, and the transforming of sovereignty from national level to super national organization, and the partly separation of state sovereignty in terms of global governance.From the space dimension,such as the losing of monetary sovereignty, modern communication technology crossing the national border, and the dilemma of culture sovereignty; not to mention about the balancing of local norms with international rules in a regulatory world, the extending of the accountability of national welfare and social security; even the failing of social identity, Secondly, the weakening of state sovereignty is begun from the diminishing of sovereignty-sustained institutions. The decreasing of capability of a nation state will result in the restriction and erosion of its sovereignty, as well as the failure of government functions, so that the legitimacy of the national authority is on the edge of danger, leading to weakening of sovereignty.The thesis also argued that it is instructive for nation state to reshape and adjust itself under the pressure of globalization since the weakening of state sovereignty is not essential or cardinal. Thus the philosophy of nation state must be renewed and the efforts on policy and institutions aimed to sustain the state sovereignty also have the potential significant influences. Before the end of the last nation state, sovereignty is still the homeland for nation state to accomplish its historicalmission.
Keywords/Search Tags:globalization, state sovereignty, sovereignty-sustained institutions, sovereignty separation, sovereignty demisability
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