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Study On Non-commercial Forest Compensation In Miyun Watershed

Posted on:2005-09-29Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J M XiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360125958436Subject:Forest cultivation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Forest is one of the main terrestrial ecosystems which human being lives on. Many environmental problems are connected with the quantity and quality of the forest. Forest is concerned more seriously than before. In these years, six key forestry construction projects and the NCF compensation experiments have been done in China. The effects are positive. As while, there are some problems needed to be resolved. It includes: how to estimate the eco-environmental value of the forest accurately; how to make decision by the government in forestry eco-environment construction; how to manage the exiting NCF; how to receive the NCF fund, and so on. These problems are also existed in the NCF construction in Miyun watershed.Some foundational theories concerned to non-commercial forest compensation have been studied in this dissertation. They are ecological theories, environmental and economical theories, silvical theories.In practice, some concerned issues of non-commercial forest including the eco-environmental benefit estimation, cost-benefit analysis, the best rotation, the compensation standard, fund resources and usage have been studied in this dissertation. Based on those studies, some viewpoints have been provided concerning non-commercial forest compensation in Miyun watershed. Specially, following conclusions have been drawn in this dissertation:Taking 100 years as the cutting cycle, 0.05 as the discounting rate, the PV of sediment deduction of pine forest and acacia forest are 2306 Yuan/hm2 and 2036 Yuan/hm2 respectively. The PV of soil nutrition protection are 5004-8874 Yuan/hm2 and 4431-7856 Yuan/hm2 respectively in pine forest and acacia forest. The PV of water resource detention is 1199-4971 Yuan/hm2. And the PV of carbon sequestration is between 1300 Yuan/hm2 and 9300 Yuan/hm2.In each year, the existing forest can provide 7.3920 million Yuan in sediment deduction, 15.628-27.697 million Yuan in soil nutrition protection, 19.2074-25.9076 million Yuan in carbon sequestration and 10.6262 million Yuan in water resource detention.Taking 0.05 as the discounting rate, the total benefit of each kind of afforestation is larger than cost. Taking 0.07 and 0.09 as the discounting rate, the benefit is smaller thancost of afforestation by explosion; Taking 0.11 as the discounting rate, the benefit is smaller than cost of afforestation by old pine seedling and by explosion. The cutting cycles are similar whether to maximize the economic benefit or to maximize the total benefit in each kind of afforestation.The main reason of market failure of the NCF in Miyun watershed is that its external economies couldn't be realized. Some environmental economic method can be used to resolve the market failure problem of the NCF in Miyun watershed. And it's feasible to solve the fund problem by using "user-to-pay system for forest environmental service based on the financial payoff'.The compensation standard of the NCF in Miyun watershed is: provide 3000~4500 Yuan/hm2 for afforestation; provide 75-210 Yuan/hm2 each year for management and protection; timber income belongs to NCF manager. And this compensation standard is distinctly more than the NCF subsidy experiment standard.
Keywords/Search Tags:Non-Commercial Forest, Estimation, Compensation, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Miyun Watershed
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